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I followed Gerald into his room and when we got in he ask me to sit but me been stubborn I decided to stand.

Am all ears say what you want to say so I leave...I said.

Alright princess this is too much now tell me what my offence is.....  He asked.

Nothing..... I sighed not willing to say anything because this guy here won't understand and may think am jealousy. Yeah am a little jealous but he doesn't have to know that.

At least tell me what I did wrong so I can apologize please remember you  promised not to hide anything from me...... He begged. Huh see who is talking about hiding things.

Remember you also promised not to cheat on me and make me look like a fool but you did......I retorted bitterly. I know we are fake but this baafoon should have been a little considerate.

I didn't cheat on you. I told you about Brittany right........ he asked confused. Aaaah so he doesn't even remember he fucked that poor girl.

No not Brittany I mean Sandra how could you sleep with you own maid........ I yelled.

Oh I get it so it about Sandra.......  He said. Oh God this boy is officially the most annoying guy I have ever met excluding Brad.

Yeah since I came to this house that girl has always treated me like a peice of shit. When you travelled to Italy she didn't stop with her verbal abuse on me and I didn't understand. I use to think it is because I am from a poor background not knowing she is doing it because you gave her that right..... I explained.

Am sorry I never knew she was verbally abusing you princess I know it was low of me to sleep with my maid but the deed is already done all I can say is sorry and I didn't give anyone any right to insult you........ He said.

You don't get it. I don't need your apology but that poor girl needs it...... I said.

What are you saying...... He asked. God please forgive me for saying that this guy was smart yesterday because I now know he is dumb.

You made that innocent girl think you love her and see any girl around you as an enemy and a treat but we both know you don't love her......I calmly said.

What makes you think I don't love her or let me see are you jealous......
He smirked. I know am jealous but I will never admit to this egoistic jerk or I may not hear the end of it.

Am not jealous Gerald. Been jealous means am in love with you and you and I both know it impossible for me to fall in love with anyone talkless of you. After what I went through with Brad am not sure I will be capable of loving someone........I explained. I know am not inlove with Gerald and won't be because loving Gerald is like putti.....

You can....... He replied cutting me off my thoughts.

No Gerald even if I will fall inlove with anyone it will not be you. Don't get me wrong you are a good person  but we both know you are a player and not capable of falling inlove or getting committed and me falling inlove with you is like putting my hand in fire knowing fully well that I will get burned. So you should know am not saying this because am jealous you are fucking Sandra but I feel bad for that girl and am your friend as you always put it and it is a friend's duty to always help a friend when he or she is going the wrong way........... I said but I just don't get why I don't believe my own words. Do I have any other motive except what I just said...?

Ok I get it i will apologize to Sandra and clear things up with her........ He said

How will you do that. I gave you the chance to do that and you spoilt it and made me look like a fool........ I said.

What are you talking about....... He asked.

Why did you think I made that drama this morning. The poor girl was all over her self that you are inlove with her and you are going to push me out for her. At first I believed it but when you didn't ask me to leave your house I realise you don't love her as she thinks and you are just playing with her emotions. I made that drama this morning just to make things clear to her that you don't love her and give you the opportunity to clear things up with her but you been the asshole you are didn't even help and to top it all you met with her and said sweet words to her making her grin and giggle during breakfast like a five year old child......... I hissed

And who told you I said sweet things to her......he asked

If you didn't then why was she grinning ..... I asked back.

See princess I just took her aside because I knew all you did this morning was a drama I just took her aside to know what happened and know why you did that drama..... He replied.

Really..... I  asked feeling happy and I didn't know why I was happy.

Yes maybe she might have taken my intentions wrongly but I will make sure I talk to her and clear everything up...... He said.

Ok since you are going to talk to her and clear things up with her then there is no need me moving in anymore......., I said

No you still need to move in your room will be given to Ryan.....he replied.

Why ? There are a lot of rooms in this house so why give mine out........I pouted

All the rooms on this floor are full and you know the first floor is for the servants and we can't ask Ryan to use one of the second floor rooms when we all are on the third floor he will feel lonely.......he explained

Ok I get it........

Yeah and Ashley texted me she said Brad and Brittany are planning something huge for your birthday party but she doesn't know what they are planning and she is looking into it when she get any information she will let us know......he added. Jees what is their problem why can't they leave me alone. Haven't they done enough.

Hmmmm why are these two so evil why can't they just let me be after all they have done to me....... I wondered.

Relax I got this under control and remember tomorrow we will be skipping school to go pick Ryan from the airport........ He added.

Ok ........ I simply said........

Christalyne peisie
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MY SWEET REVENGE ( NOT EDITTED )Where stories live. Discover now