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After school I came home and I was still packing when my brother came to my room.

Are you done hermana............ Jack asked.

Almost but am a little scared........... I confessed.

Why are you scared............ He asked.

Maybe your parent won't like me I mean you are rich and am a nobody........ I replied sheepishly immediately regretting the nonsense I just brew up. I sounded like am going to meet my boyfriend's parent instead of my brother's parent.

What nonsense is that. See Dad and mum will like you. They don't care about class and money all they care about is you been a good person. Mum already like you even when she hasn't seen you and Dad may not be the type to show much emotions or smile a lot but I know deep down he will like you............. He replied.

Okay....... I said.

So hurry and let go mum won't stop calling me she said your phone is off......... He said.

Oh sorry I forgot to put it on after school. Whiles in school I switched it off ......... I replied and took my phone to switch it on.

Okay be quick am waiting for you in the living room......... He said before leaving the room. I continue packing until my eyes caught something.

The necklace jack gave which look like my mum's own. I decided to confirm if it really look like mum's own.

I opened the memory box and search through my mum's jewelries to see if I will find it. After looking for sometime I finally found mum's necklace and to say am shock was an understatement. I mean Jack's own look exactly like mum's own except that mum's own has a little red heart drawn on it.

That is the only difference. Wow. I looked for possible reasons why mum will have the same necklace as Jack's father but couldn't get any except the fact that it is a just a mare coincidence.

I decided to put it in the small side pocket of my bag and show it to my brother when we get to his parent house.

I continue to pack and when I was done packing and about to go out the door opened and Gerald walk in.

Princess......... He called walking towards me. There is something about the way he calls me princess that makes me smile. I mean it sounds possessive and ridiculously good.

Yes..... I replied looking at him as he stood before me.

I will miss you............. He pouted. Awwww he look so cute and adorable.

I will miss you too Gerald.......... I confessed.

So sweet but not romantic.......... He frown.

Why not romantic........... I asked.

You call me by my name. I mean at least call me by a pet name or something. Maybe I will miss you too hun will do.............. He replied wrapping his hand around my waist.

Okay I will miss you too hun is it ok now......... I asked placing a kiss on his lips and wrapping my arms around his neck as he smiled.

Yes it will........ he said connected his lips with mine and kissed me.

I also kiss him back and I felt a spank on my ass cheek and when I gasp he took the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth devouring my mouth and deepening the kiss. I pulled back and looked at him.

I have to leave Gerald otherwise jack will kill me............ I said.

Who cares about that idiot............. Gerald replied. Oh no he didn't just call my brother an idiot. I was about to speak when I heard Jack's voice on the other side of the door as if on a cue.

Hermana hurry up or else I will call mum and tell her you said you don't want to come........... Jack said behind the door. Oh no he won't tell his mum that right. I mean I will be dead if he told aunty Beatrice that.

Oh no jack am coming I am done packing.......... I quickly replied pulling away from a now pouting Gerald. He look cute but I have to go.

Gerald I will see you on monday I mean I will call you when I get there.......... I said and he nodded sadly.

Okay let me help you with your bag princess......... He said taking my bag from me and leading me out of his room or let me say our room.

We got to the living room and met the rest. Scott and Janice where sitting whiles Nancy was kissing my brother.

Eeeeeewwww that is disgusting, get a room guys. My best friend and my brother all lovey dovey such a bad combination............. I faked gagged and they all laughed.

Ok amor it time for me to go will call you when I get there. Love you and stay safe for me mi amor.......... Jack said to Nancy couping her face. Wow this is the first time am seeing my brother in a romantic mood. He really love Nancy alot.

I love you too........... Nancy said as they pull away from each other and we bid good bye to everyone and left.

We entered Jack's car and he drove off. The drive was a long one. There was traffic and instead of the normal One hour fourty six minutes drive from New York to New Jersey where Jack's parents lived we took about two hours thirty minutes to get to Jack's parents house.

Jack drove into a huge and luxurious mansion home and I just couldn't help but gasp. I mean I know my brother is from a rich home but I was expecting a mansion a little bigger than what I live in with the boys but this is far more bigger than the boys house.

Picture of Jack's parent house.

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Christalyne peisie
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