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It been three days since Cheryl got missing.  I looked everywhere for her but couldn't find her.

On Saturday morning when I took her to the hospital, I couldn't go in with her because I always get sick when I inhale the hospital smell. I waited for long but she wasn't coming out.

I had no other option than to go in and look for her. When I entered the doctors office, where Cheryl is supposed to be, I met him with another patient and when I asked of Cheryl, he told me she has left about twenty minutes ago.

I got worried and felt something was wrong. I left the doctors office and tried calling Cheryl's  number but it went straight to voicemail.

I continued walking through the hall way and I stepped on something. I looked down and it was one of Cheryl's  earring. I knew it is hers because I personally bought the earing for her.

I took the earnings and saw some faint footstep. I followed and it led me to a small room and then a small door that leads to the back of the hospital which is quiet and empty. 

Just as I walked out of the small back door I got a message from Cheryl saying she has gone to connecticut because today is her mums anniversary which I know is a lie.

Right then I knew something was wrong because Cheryl hardly send messages and also I was just at the parking lot of the hospital and if anything she would have come and personally told me and even ask me to drive her there since she is with no car or money.

In addition  she was also worried we will make Jack and Ashley wait for us for long at the police station.

I also know how important this revenge is for her. She has giving her all and will not abandon it for anything in the world.  I called her number several times and it went straight to voicemail. Luckily Scott installed a tracker on her phone which works even if the phone is off. I tracked her phone to a waste bin, which is fifteen pminute drive from the hospital.

Which lead me to one conclusion which is she has been kidnapped. Now the question is by who and why.  I called my boys to get Jeremy and Brittany to where Brad's is been kept hostage. They are the only three with reasons to harm Cheryl.

I also called Jack and Ashley and asked them to deal with the case with Brad, Jeremy and Brittany's  parents and met me where Brad is been held.

I went straight to where  Brad was kept and thirty minutes after I got there , Jeremy was dragged into the room in a blind fold. 

When I questioned Brad and Jeremy about Cheryl's  where about they all denied knowing where she was and for some strange reasons I believed them.

This all led us to one remaining and possible suspect which is Brittany. She is the one that hates Cheryl the most. But the problem is where would she possibly take her. We all tried her number but it was also switched off. When Jack and Ashley came back and we told them, Jack went crazy.

For the past three days we kept Cheryl been missing from her uncle and my parents. I told the police and they are also looking for her. I became restless and couldn't sleep for the past three days.

We did everything  within our powers  to find her but to no avail. All our effort went in vain. Nothing and no information about Cheryl or Brittany's  whereabouts.

Right now we are all gathered including Brad and Jeremy.  I still hate them but if truly Brittany have Cheryl  the best people to help me is Brad and Jeremy. They have a better shots at knowing where they are than me. So I have to swallow my hatred and work with them to find Cheryl.

MY SWEET REVENGE ( NOT EDITTED )Where stories live. Discover now