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I don't know dad. They took her from one of your cottages so by now they would know I am behind it and it will be easier to trace it to Cheryl too............ Gerald said.

Oh God we are all dead. Is this the reason why I have been having this feeling that something is going to go wrong.

Are you sure your friend will not talk.......... His father asked

Yes I am sure......... Gerald replied.

Okay give me a minute......... Gerald's dad said before taking his phone and dialling a number.

Hello Stephanie please call the investors in France and cancel the meeting, something important came up and also cancel all my meetings for today and tomorrow. I will call you later and give you more instructions on what to do............... He said into the phone.

Okay thank you........... He replied after sometime and put the phone back. There was silent for sometime before he spoke again.

The only way to save your friend is to let them know there are other people involved in this and they also have copies of the evidence Sandra got and let them also know that if anything happens to Sandra they will be exposed. That will fetch you a little time I will come up with something later that could solve all this. And Gerald make sure you send me all the informations and evidence you were able to gather.......... Gerald's dad said.

Okay dad....... Gerald replied.

Also call Fernando( Jack's father ) and ask for more security. Make sure no one leaves the house or go around without a guard or two. And make sure you behave normal don't do anything suspicious........... His dad instructed again.

Sure dad........... Gerald said.

Okay I will leave you guys for now I need to speak to someone......... His dad said as he stood up and walk out of the study.

Mum we will take our leave, we have school tomorrow and the distance from here back to New York is far............ Gerald said as we both stood up ready to leave. His mum escorted us to Gerald's car and bid us good bye.

The drive back to New York was quiet. I just hope Sandra is safe. I will never forgive myself if something happens to her.


After I came back home from Sandra's apartment. I was feeling a little tired and sleepy so I decided to sleep and read the letter later.

When I woke up again the house was quiet, I sat on my bed and took the envelope , opened it and read.

Hi hun,

           I know by the time you will be reading this letter, you may have known the truth about me.  I am not who I made you believe I am.

When I first heard about you I assumed you were the worst kind of person in life, from all the bad things I heard you did with your best friend but when I got near you I realised it was just a cover.

I discovered the real you. The real Jeremy. The Jeremy who is not as heartless as people see him to be. The Jeremy that is capable of loving someone.

The Jeremy that accepts his mistake and the Jeremy that can make you laugh without even trying. The Jeremy who showed me what true love is within a period of just two month.

I hated you in the beginning but learn to love you as time went by. Heck I am madly in love with you.

You may see this as a betrayal but I see it as liberation. Your parents are not the best example to you and they have done Soo many bad things that they need to pay for.

MY SWEET REVENGE ( NOT EDITTED )Where stories live. Discover now