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I woke up the next morning feeling a little better and strong. Today been Saturday, I go to the Diner where I work at 12pm and it is just 10am now. I still have two more hours left.

I decided to put everything that happened yesterday behind me and move on with my life. It still hurt but I am not going to let it weigh me down.

My dad always told me to be strong and shouldn't let the past ruin me or prevent me from moving on and having a happy life. And he always say that people who hurt us do not deserve our tears.

I have cried enough last night and that is it. I am not going to give them the satisfaction of seeing me broken.

So I have decided that I will not let what happen yesterday pull me down. I have bills to pay and I am not gonna sit in bed and cry all day over spilt milk. They wanted to hurt me and see me broken but I won't give them the pleasure of achieving that.

My dad always tell me to never let others see my weakness because they will always feed on that to hurt me and that advice is what I have used to pull through difficult times. If I was able to keep going after I lost my dad, then I am sure I can forget this and move on with my life.

I stood up from my bed determined to forget what happened and move on like the strong person I am. I went to the bathroom and did my morning business.

After that I dressed up and went off to work. I put on a baggy t-shirt and some jeans. I wore my glasses and then I was ready for work.

I got to the diner and took my apron and started working. I work as a waitress here and I have no friends. Everyone here is really annoying and likes to pick on me so I stay as far away from them as I can and focus on the main reason that I am here .

One hour into my shift and the diner door opened and in walked no other than my ex boyfriend and my ex best friend.

Yes Brad is my ex now because I am not stupid, although we never talk about breakup, he automatically turned into my ex when he cheated on me and who in their right senses will forgive that idiota after what happened yesterday.

It is his loss not mine. I am the best girlfriend he will ever have and if he was too stupid to see that and chooses the local slut over me, then fine.

I inhale and exhale quickly to calm myself down. They went into one of the booth and called for a waitress and unfortunately for me the other waitresses were busy so I have no choice than to go and serve them. Such a bad day. I gathered all my strength and determination and walk to them.

When I got to their booth I saw them in a serious make out session.

Can't they at least get a room.

I felt disgusted and angry by their stupidity.

After a while and they weren't still done with their shameless and disgusting make out session, I decided to draw their attention by clearing my throat.

I knew that they know I was there but they were just ignoring me. They both looked at me with a silly smile on their faces.

Wow who do we have here?, the ugly nerd....... says the self-centered witch Brittany.

What can I get for you?..... I calmly asked ignoring her insult. That girl can't compete with me when it comes to insults but I am tolerating her nuisance because she is at my workplace and I am trying to be the bigger person here.

Coffee for my baby and I....... Brad said to me and kiss Brittany.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded. It hurts so badly hearing him call her his baby and looking at her so lovingly, the way he use to look at me.

MY SWEET REVENGE ( NOT EDITTED )Where stories live. Discover now