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Before we start with the award, I want to introduce someone who is part of my family now to you all. But before I tell you who that person is I want to tell you all a little story of how things went............. Jack's dad announced.

The place was quiet as we all listened to him. Wow this man really command attention. I heard he is the sixth richest man in the world and he is well respected.

Twenty years ago I lost a very important person in my life. Not as in the person died but she left my life meaning she went missing. I looked for her for twenty Good years but couldn't find her. This may come as a shock to most of you who know me from afar and didn't know I had a twin sister but the few friends that are near me knows that I had a twin sister that I lost twenty years ago. After much search and still couldn't find her I nearly gave up until my son Jack brought the idea of getting a new investigator to search for my twin sister.............. He said and the whole place was quiet. Everyone was listening quietly and the paparazzi were all over him recording and taking pictures whiles he spoke.

I wish my dad is this rich and famous. My dad is just indirectly working for Brad's father and he earns just some peanut.

I took my son's suggestion and hired a new investigator and a few weeks later he came with result. He found out my twin sister Fernanda López was dead but she has a daughter........... He said as he tried to blink his tears away. Wow this person must really be dear to him.

Luckily my sister left me a beautiful and intelligent daughter, who stole my heart the very first time I set my eyes on her even without knowing she was my blood. I would like to share my joy and happiness with you and introduce you all to my beautiful niece who is also a López by blood. Cheryl can you please join me here............. Jack dad said. Which Cheryl ?  Wait!!! Why is he asking Cheryl to join him on the stage. Wait a minute it is not what am thinking right.

I look beside me and Brad also had the same confused expression on his face. Holy God it shouldn't be what am thinking. Cheryl walked pass me with a smirk. When she got to the stage Jack's dad hugged and kiss her on her cheeks. It can't be what am thinking right ? Cheryl can't be.........my thoughts were cut short as Jack's dad spoke.

Ladies and gentleman, I will like to present to you my beautiful niece, my blood and a real López. Her name is Cheryl........... He said and at once I felt all the energy and water drained in my system. I felt weak and legs went numb. I stumbled back and someone held me from falling.

Oh my God tell me it just a horrible nightmare. Cheryl can't be related to such a wealthy family. How come ?

When did they even find out ? Was this the reason why Jack always call her his sister ? A lot of questions kept running in my mind.

How stupid I look yesterday bragging about my familie's invitation to this charity ball to her, when she is the freaking niece of the man behind this ball and even a part reason for the ball.

After a few minutes of posing for pictures and other stuffs with my brains running in circles,  Jack's father continued and what he said really broke me.

Am not just introducing Cheryl to everyone but I also have a surprise for her. You see before my father died he left 60% of his property to my sister Fernanda and ask me to give it to her when I find her. Since Fernanda is no more but left a daughter it is right to give Fernanda's inheritance to her daughter Cheryl who happens to be my niece. So I stand here before everyone and present to Cheryl her rightful inheritance. 60% of my dad's fortune goes to Cheryl , my niece and the remaining 40% goes to jack my son............ Jack's dad said handing an envelope to Cheryl.

That is it I am really done for.

Cheryl with this wealth can easily destroy me.

I am dead!!!!!!.


My eyes scanned the room for my friends and they all look shocked. I could see them seriously Demanding answers from jack who was standing beside them.

Gerald shocked face nearly got me laughing. I really got him there. He always have his way of finding things out but this time he couldn't guess this. He always has his way of surprising me but this time I surprised him rather.

I look up next from their table and my eyes landed on Nancy. What I saw got me really sad. She looks horrified, shocked and regretful.

Tears stream down her eyes as she quietly sat on her chair with both hands on her heard. She might be feeling really bad for her actions. It really break my heart to see her like this.

I look beside Brittany,  Brad stood there like a rejected statue, looking at me with wide eyes and open mouth. He was really shaken and did poorly trying to cover his shock expression. It rather made him look funny.

I look back at jack and realise he had taken his phone out and taking pictures of Brad and Brittany's expression as he smirked. I really love my brother.

Brittany had the worst expression.  She look like she could pass out any moment and I nearly laughed. I could sell my soul to the devil just to see this expression on Brittany's face everyday because it serves her right.

My uncle gave me the documents we took from the lawyer and said 60% of grandpa's fortune has been transferred into my name whiles 40% to Jack's name. 

I was really in tears all I could do was hug my uncle and let the tears down. It was tears of joy.

I have been really blessed. First I got Janice and Nancy as my best friends. Secondly I got Gerald as my boyfriend and jack as my brother. I got two cars and to top it all off I found my family and got all this huge wealth.

I thought i was alone with no family after my dad died and thought I will never know my extended family but here I am with my uncle.

I found my family and they have been really good to me. After my uncle's introduction and surprised I walk to my group of friends as they all hug me happily.

Our phones kept buzzing off. We broke from the hug and they all took their phones but from the look on Jack's face I knew exactly what it was and couldn't control myself so I  laughed.

The thing is jack just posted Brittany's shocked and funny face on the school's social media platform with the caption " SHOCKED FACE OF THE LOCAL SLUT "  and the comments coming were just hilarious. everyone is just making fun of the picture.

Brittany is lucky we are on holidays because if not I am not sure she will be able to face this humiliated after been bitchy to almost everyone in school.






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MY SWEET REVENGE ( NOT EDITTED )Where stories live. Discover now