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Okay I hope this works out.......... Gerald said.

It will....... Jeremy replied with a small smile which I couldn't determine whether it is fake or real.

I just hope we don't regret this.

Before we kidnap you, I  have another question for you.......... Gerald said.

Okay what is it .......... Jeremy asked.

Do you happen to know where..... You forget it........... Gerald stopped himself before he asked anything stupid.

Okay then.......... Jeremy shrugged. Gerald called one of the guards as they take Jeremy out of the house to where we will keep Jeremy and Brad till we get Sandra.

Jeremy also told us where we could get Brad and Gerald ordered the guards to get him later that day.

Fortunately for us we were able to kidnap Brad and sent him where Jeremy is as planned. Gerald also sent Ashley and Ryan there so they could work on getting Sandra back.

We planned on sending them to a small village in Ghana immediately they get Sandra so they will be safe. It will be hard for Jeremy's or Brad's parent to suspect or know where they are.

Ghana is a far place from American and not in their widest dream will they ever think that they will be in Africa talkless of knowing they will be in Ghana.

This will keep them safe. We also got a professional IT genius instead of Scott. He will help so they can't trace their calls or something.

After everything was settle we went to bed to sleep. News of Andrea's death was all around the school platform. Since our school is very popular it was even in the news papers and on television.

I really feel sad for her but it her bad luck. I fear what Brittany can do to me. We need to act fast or else maybe I will not be able to escape her next plan.

I still can't believe someone I once called my best friend could turn to be my worst  enemy and even want me dead.

I can't even tell what she is capable of doing and why she hated me this much. We decided that immediately Sandra is with us and they are all successfully travelled to Ghana and we know they are safe we will lunch the third face of our plan.

Which is getting all of them arrested. No one will be freed not even Jeremy because we fear what he can do, if he can betray his own family and bestfriend, I just can't imagine what he can do to us. We will not take any chances. Everyone goes down.

Although the evidence we have against Brad and Jeremy is not enough to put them to life imprisonment, at least we are hoping that we can get them arrested and later find more evidence to lock them up forever.

The next day, Gerald and I drove to the place where we are keeping Brad and Jeremy. Today is the day we will be calling their parents to make the deal with them. We drove into a very far place and drove into a building. When we entered inside we walked to a small door and opened it and descended down some stairs into a underground basement or something. We walked deeper into the darkness until we saw a little door. We opened it and entered a room which was big enough to be a bedroom.

Gerald on the light in the room and when the light came on everything was clear. I look up to see Brad and Jeremy tired to a chair whiles Ryan and Ashley stood beside them with some other guards around.

There were about six guards there and I was told there are more guards surrounding the places. Brad and Jeremy's eyes were tied.

They couldn't see anything. I heard Brad pleading for them not to kill him whiles jeremy was also pretending to be afraid and pleading. That boy is a real pretender I just can't wait to see his face when he knows we fooled him.

MY SWEET REVENGE ( NOT EDITTED )Where stories live. Discover now