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When I got to Gerald's room I took a deep breath and knocked. I heard him say come In and I open the door and walked in. I know my idea is silly but at least let me try.........

Cheryl i was about to come to your room ,I want to talk to you...... Gerald said and my heart skipped. Oh God no he is about to tell me he is backing out of the plan...... I decided that  I'll not let him talk I have to do something...

I also want to tell you something and it very important so let me go first..... I said.

No Cheryl mine is also important let me talk and come and sit done here......... Gerald said pointing beside him. I walk and sat beside him........

Well I have been thinking........ before he could say anything  I crushed my lips with his and kissed him without thinking.

He looked surprised and shocked but kissed me back which gave me the courage to kiss him more. After a minute in the kiss he pushed away not forcefully tho.

Sorry I shouldn't have kiss you.... I quickly apologised.

Don't worry is that what you want to tell me......  he asked. No that was not what I planned at all and I just kissed him just to shut him up. I knew what he was about to say I just didn't want him to say.

No I mean I wanted to discuss something with you...... I shyly said knowing fully well that what am about to say may be taken in the wrong way if I don't say it well.

OK am all ears...... He said. Something that proved my fears was he wasn't in his usually playful and naughty mood. He seems serious this morning and hasn't even called me princess which is strange.

It not that I want him to call me princess. OK let say I do like it when he calls me that but hmmmm he not calling me that makes me think he is going to do what Sandra had ask him to do. Oh God help me.........

The thing is I was thinking and I thought since we are dating, i mean fake dating it will be wise for me to move into your room.......  I quickly said. Yes that was my stupid plan to move into his room just to stop that Sandra from getting into his head although am not planning on having sex with him, you know maybe he sleep on the bed then I use the couch or something but after saying it out I realise it was not a good idea. How stupid he will think am desperate  to have sex with him like all those bimbos he sleep around with.....

What !!!  He excalimed.

No it not what you are thinking I mean... I mean.... I just thought it was a good idea sorry I didn't mean to offend you, I am just soo stupid....... I panicked.

No cheryl no....... I cut him up without letting him finish his statement.

Don't be angry I just thought it was a good idea I realise I was so stupid to think of it let just forget it please..... I apologised...

Will you let me speak..... He asked and I nodded bracing myself for anything he will say. So finally I kept quiet and listened to him......

I am not angry with you but am just a little shocked. When I woke up this morning an idea came in mind and I thought of discussing it with you but what shocked me was you coming in and telling me that same thing I had wanted to tell you...... Gerald said. but instead of my dumb brain understanding I just got more confused.......

What are you talking about...... I asked.

I mean I wanted to tell you to move into my room so it will look real that we are really dating and also Ryan will be using your room but thank God you also thought of that...... He replied. What !!!! I looked at him shocked. Wasn't he suppose to drive me away for Sandra.  Wow did he really choose me over Sandra.

  No cheryl don't be too happy he just choose the revenge over sandra and remember he is also doing it for his sister and why would he like you. That stupid little voice in my heard mocked.

Why that face are you okay with it I thought that is what you also suggested........ he asked.

No...yes....yes I mean I thought you will not agree......... I stammered

Why won't I......... He asked.

Well then I will be moving in this morning. We still have about an hour and half before school so I will just get the maids to help me bring my stuffs in here................ I said ignoring his question. He nodded and I walk out with a smirk.

I am going to make that Sandra regret ever insulting me. I walk down the stairs and went to the kitchen were the maids were........

Christalyne peisie

MY SWEET REVENGE ( NOT EDITTED )Where stories live. Discover now