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On Thursday school was normal nothing new happened. Ryan is suppose to join us in school on Monday and no one is suppose to know Ryan stays with us till we finish our revenge.

And also  Ryan is suppose to start fake dating Ashley so he get access to Brad and Brittany's Group and also make sure when Ashley is caught she  shouldn't be harmed in any way.

This is all Gerald's idea and I swear to God I just don't understand that guy and his plans but I trust him so I just follow his orders.

He said he feels Brad and Brittany are suspecting someone in their to be a betrayer that is why they are not telling any of them their plans towards my birthday party so it is not safe for Ashley to be alone there and I side with him there because we all know the extend to which those two can go.

Yesterday been Thursday was normal nothing dramatic happened and after school Gerald , scott, jack and Ryan went out to look for a temporal apartment for Ryan and get him a Car and some few stuffs for him to fit into the jet set crew easily.

Scott still don't like Ryan because of the little drama Janice did on the day Ryan arrived and we just couldn't stop laughing at Scott who still thinks Janice like Ryan.

Gerald later confessed at night when we went to bed that he knew Scott and Janice like each other and he is cool with it just that he like seeing them fooling themselves thinking he will be mad when he finds out and he usually use the bro code thing on Scott's just to make fun of him.

Yes that silly boy he never seize to amaze me how he quickly discovers little hidden secrets.

I went to bed early last night since I was tired. I was still sleeping having a sweet dream. In the dream Gerald and I are married and we had twins and really had a lovely family. I was about to kiss Gerald in my dream when I felt a light tap on my shoulders as if someone is waking me up.

I am really going to kill someone today. Why must he or she wake me up at this moment when my dream was getting interesting. Aaaaaah God give me patience.

I slightly opened my eyes and checked the time and jees it just 12:01am. What !!! Who the hell wake someone up at this time on a Friday Dawn. I look behind to see the idiot that woke me up at this time only to find no other but the guy in my dream.

Holly mother of Mary. The idiot was grinning like a fool. Oh God is Gerald ok why is he even grinning at this time. Before I could say anything he spoke......

Happy birthday princess..... He smiled warmly. Oh no !!!! I forgot right, today is my birthday. Wow this is the first someone else aside my dad wished me  first.

Since Dad died two weeks before my birthday last year, I really didn't even celebrated my birthday. The thing is I just couldn't because it reminded me so much of dad.

I use to spend this day with him. I got so emotional because for the first time someone did what dad use to do which is to wake me up at this exact time just to wish me a happy birthday.

Been the emotional me, without thinking I hugged Gerald and couldn't stop my tears from flowing.

Why are you crying princess did I do anything wrong...... He worriedly asked.

No you didn't do anything wrong I mean you did everything right. Your just reminded me of dad. You know he use to wake me up at this time on my birthday..... I smiled assuringly at him.

Ok come am not done yet princess I have a gift for you I want to be the first to wish you today and first to give you a birthday gift..... He said happily pulling me off the bed.

Where are we going Gerald by this time.... I asked.

Relax princess it is a surprise but first you have to put  this on...... He said giving me a blindfold.

What ? Why? ..... I asked.

Because it is a surprise you ask too many questions princess just put the blindfold on........ He replied tying the blindfold on me.

I welcome the darkness because I couldn't see a thing with this blindfold on.

We walked to the steps and descended it but I still didn't know where we are headed to. We walked down a hallway and finally opened a door.

Gerald lead me inside and when we were in we stopped walking.....

Ok princess we are here and your surprise is right in front of you..... He said.

Ok then can I take this blindfold off.... I asked.

No not yet wait give me one minutes..... He said. I just nodded and stood there waiting for him and when he found God knows what he was looking for he spoke...

Ok now you can take the blindfold off...... He said. Turning me around to face him. I guess.

He took the blindfold off and still my eyes met darkness. where are we and where is Gerald...

Gerald are you playing pranks on me now? Where are you and where is the surprise......I asked

Oh we are here so I can kill you..... He replied seriously and my heart skipped. What!!!!  is this how am going to die? In some lonely dark place where no one will find my dead body.

Before I could say anything I heard Gerald laughing behind me.

Oh Princess I love scaring you. Did you see your face it was priceless...... He laughed. This guy is crazy.

How would you see my face when this place is dark ...... I asked.

Maybe am a vampire or maybe am a ghost... He said. Oh  God he is not going to kill me right?

Hahaha ok it time for your surprise princess are you ready.... He laughed.

Without waiting for my reply he turned the light on and the brightness of the light nearly blinded me.

I close my eyes for a couple of seconds and when I opened it and look around sporting my surprise I just couldn't close my mouth.

Oh my God Gerald is this real...... I gasps looking at the surprise I just couldn't believe my eyes at this moment........

Yes princess it yours I hope you like it...... Gerald replied.

Oh God someone should just pinch me and wake me up I just can't believe this maybe is it a dream.

Yes it is probably a dream am still dreaming right...........


What do you think the gift is?  drop your comments guys.....

Christalyne peisie
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I decided to add another episode today.

MY SWEET REVENGE ( NOT EDITTED )Where stories live. Discover now