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When we broke from the kiss we turned and  saw jack , Nancy , janice and Scott standing beside us. They were smiling happily at us and we smiled back at them. Jack hugged me first and whispered lowly into my ear.......

Congrats sis the first phrase of the plan has been accomplished, welcome officially  to the family and I promise to make sure you and janice get justice for what they did to you both and always remember I love you. I smiled back at him and whispered back.....

Thanks big Bro , I love you too.  We broke the hug and janice and Nancy came to hug me. When we broke the hug janice was the first to speak................

Congrats babe we made it through the first face of the plan and thanks so much for getting justice for everyone those two have hurt I hope and pray we win this and thanks for showing me what true friendship  and  bravery is, I should have revenge on them a year ago maybe they wouldn't have hurt you if I had stood and face them thanks so much for doing this and always know that you own a special place in my heart thank you. I smiled and mouthed a thank you  to her.

Then Nancy also spoke , although her words were short but it held a lot of sincerity and love......

Congrats babe and always know that am 100% behind you although I have nothing against those two but knowing they hurt my two best friends alone is a reason to hate them. You have my support future sister in law. Nancy said smiling sheepishly  at me and I laugh at her. I just hope my brother and her will always be together and I will be glad to have her as my sister in law.

They left to hug Gerald when Scott aproach me with a smile and hugged me which made me look at him shocked because I haven't really spoke to him before and he wasn't the friendly type to me although we stayed in the same house. My thought were cut off when he spoke......

Welcome to the family Cheryl , I know we haven't talked before but know that you have my full support.  Jack's sister is also like a sister to me and from now onwards know that you have all our support and love and you are not alone because you are part of this our little family. We hugged again and I thanked him we broke the hug when we heard someone's voice from the door of the cafeteria............

Wow Gerald I never knew you can be this romantic. I swear if someone had told me just yesterday that  Gerald would one day fall in love and ask a girl to be his girlfriend in this romantic  way I would have laughed at that person and even think he is crazy but right now am speechless.  Congrats Cheryl  you won the players heart and this is what every girl in here dream off and  I hope with all my heart that you guys be together  forever........ Larry said as he walk toward us with a broad and genuine smile on his face and hugged me when he got where I was standing.  I said a thank you to him.

Larry unlike all those high school quarterbacks was not a bad boy nor an arrogant jerk. He was more like my brother jack but little more friendly than jack. Jack was introvert and always quiet but  Larry although was also an introvert he talk and smiled with everyone and was the school's  sweetheart.

He never played sides on that table and never had I seen anyone who had problem with Larry. He was the nicest person and although his parent are rich he never looked down on people like me and I feel he will fit in better with my group of friends than Brittany's group of friends. We broke from the hug and we all started to walk to our table to have our lunch.......


When I got to school this morning I was expecting  Gerald to call me but he didn't. He called yesterday when he came back from Italy and told me he was back and that he would see me today. I tried calling his number and realise it was off. I look around the school and I didn't see him but I saw all his friends and his sister in school so I thought maybe it part of his surprise for me.

In my last class before lunch I kept thinking of what his surprise could be but had no idea. When the bell went off for lunch I left the class and went to meet with Brad, jeremy, Ashley, Andrea and kelly at the locker room so we go to the cafeteria together. 

When we got to the cafeteria we saw all the student standing at the door taking pictures of something going on in the cafeteria. My heart beat increase and my heart race as the only thought in my mind was Gerald's surprise for me. Was he the one inside? and what is the surpise?. Many questions  run through my mind as I stood with my group of friends.

And when i heard a soft guitar tune play and after that a voice which was the best voice  i ever heard played from the cafeteria one question  that kept on running through my mind was  is he going to propose to me ? And if yes how am I going to answer him because I ask him for time to make things right and if he propose now what will I do. I can't say no to him because I love him and if I say yes it will be a disaster.

I quickly move through the crowd with my group of friends  behind me and when I got to the door of the cafeteria I got the shock of my life. There in front of me was Cheryl and Gerald standing and facing each other whiles Gerald serenade her. I stood there shocked and confuse and didn't understand  what was going on. All of a sudden realisation dawned on me  that this was all Cheryl's  plan and I was been used.

How stupid  could I be to think  that someone who never looked at me with any interest or notice me for once just  came to confess his undying love for me and I foolishly believed him. This was all her plan but what confuse me is how a person as dumb as Cheryl could come up with a plan like this. Maybe someone is giving her the idea or maybe she is not as innocent or dumb as I thought.

When Gerald finish singing he went on  his knees and that was when all the peices of her plan came together and I realise what she is up to. She was going for the normal revenge plan which is to get Brad and I jealous by her been with Gerald. She intentionally ask Gerald to be with me before he propose to her so that he can get me to have feelings for him and get Jealous whenever he is with her and also she would try to seduce Brad and  make him fall for her.

I smiled to myself although seeing them together hurt but I am not going to make her win this. Now I have a little idea of her plan I will  make her effort  go in vain and I swear I will make the two of them pay for what they did to me I will get Gerald to fall in love with me and pay both of them back, I will use their own plan on them.

I am like fire and no one touches me and go free without been burned.......

Sorry for not posting yesterday I wasn't feeling well and couldn't write but I am better now and am trying to meet the normal limit three episodes daily .......

Christalyne peisie

MY SWEET REVENGE ( NOT EDITTED )Where stories live. Discover now