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I woke up this morning feeling giddy. I don't know how to act around Gerald after our intimate moment last night.

I don't even know what we are now. Are we still fake couple or are we real now. Does having sex with your fake boyfriend make him a real boyfriend.

To say I regret what Happened last night will be a big fat lie. I don't regret it one bit. As a matter of fact I want it to happen again. I want him to be  mine and mine alone.

I know am been stupid to think I could have Gerald as mine alone. For fuck sake he is a player and doesn't do relationship but I can't stop my self from been possessive of him.

One thing I told myself is to make him mine before the end of this revenge. I want to be his and him to be mine.

I stood up from the bed and realise Gerald was not on the bed. I look around but couldn't find him anywhere. I noticed a small note near the bed lump and took it.

Dad called me to meet him home for some emergency. I wanted to wake you up when I was leaving but looking at your cute and beautiful self sleeping I just couldn't wake you up. Meet you in school princess.
                                        Gerald ❤️

I smiled and put the note away and went to the bathroom to do my morning business. After I was dressed up I headed downstairs.

Since it was decided that  I am to cook only in the evening I didn't have to make breakfast because everyone will  eat out in the morning.

I went downstairs to the living room and met Ryan in the living room watching TV this early morning.

I greeted him and ask of the rest and I was told my brother and Nancy left together to school a few minutes ago and Janice left with Gerald this morning whiles Scott is still inside.

He reminded me about the emergency meeting Gerald talked about at dinner last night and said it will be after school and we will not be meeting in the house since Ashley can't be seen driving into this house. He said the address will be sent to us before lunch.

I nodded and bid him goodbye before leaving to school. I entered my lamborghini and was about to drive when I got a call from a strange number. I picked it up......

Hello darling how are you........... I heard Jack's mum's happy voice on the phone and smiled. She really took my number from Jack, wow she is really nice.

Hello Aunt Beatrice........... I replied smiling.

How are you dear............ She asked.

Am fine, I hope you are also good......... I replied.

I am fine dear I just called to remind you that you promised me you would come with Gerald on Friday evening and it is two days from now........... She happily said.

Yes aunt I will be there.......... I answered back.

Okay dear anyways are you allergic to anything........... She asked.

No I eat everything no allergies.......... I answered.

Ok dear this is my number save it and call me anytime you want to............she said.

Ok Aunt I will do just that...........I replied back.

Ok then bye for now........... She said and I answered ok before she hang up. She is such a nice person I hope Jack's father is also as nice as his mum.

I drove off to school. Everything went well in school and there was no drama not even during lunch time.

As promised Gerald sent the address where we will all be meeting  to us on WhatsApp during lunch. It was a private parking lot and he told us that we will see a Limousine with dark glasses there.

Gerald couldn't make it to school. He said it is because he couldn't finish with what he was doing early but I have a feeling he just didn't want to face me after last night.

After school I drove to the address Gerald sent us. I was a little late because our last class didn't end early.

When I got to the address, it was a private garage and I saw jack, janice, Gerald, scott and Nancy's car around. I also saw a red brand new BMW which I didn't know who it belongs to though.

I parked my car and got out of it and walked to the Limousine and there was a guard at the door. When he saw me he bowed and open the door for me.

I whispered a thank you and entered to be met by all my friends. Gerald, Scott , Janice , Nancy , Jack and Ryan were already in with another person, I mean a strange girl  who I didn't recognize because she was wearing dark shades and a hoodie. I sat by Gerald and he pocketed his phone and begin to speak.

Ok now princess is here we can start the meeting........... He said smiling softly at me and I smiled back. We were all quiet listening to him as he continued..

I know we all know each other here...... He said and everyone nodded except me because I don't know the strange girl.

I think I don't know that girl in the hoodie.............I said and they all laughed including the hoodie girl which got me confused.

Oh no Cheryl you don't know me......... The strange girl laughed as she removed her hoodie and shades and my eyes went wide open.

Holy shit !!!! Ashley. I mean I know she is part of us but this is the first time I am seeing her together with us so don't blame me if I get shock.

Ashley.............i called.

Yes it me cheryl....... She smiled. I just kept quiet as they all laughed it off.

Ok so since we all know each other and we also know the reason we are here I will go straight to the point........ Gerald said as we all listened quietly.

I asked us to meet here instead of home because Ashley can't be seen entering our house or with us  and Ryan must not be seen with us because it will arise suspicion and what we can't afford is to be caught at this stage of our plan........... He continued.

True though.......... Scott said.

As we all know, we are starting with the second face of the plan which is to gather as much evidence as we can. We need to make sure if we are sending them and their families to jail it must be for life because we can't risk them coming back to go after our lives or love ones............. Gerald continued.

He look around and when he realise he had our full attention he continued..

We have a little evidence but not strong enough to get them arrested and prison for life. We still need a lot of evidence and to get that we need to be very strategic and stick together. We have few evidence against Brittany and her parents but no strong evidence against Brad and Jeremy and their families. We can't risk leaving any of them out because if we leave even a single person, that person will come after us and we don't want that. I want everyone to give their ideas and thoughts about what should be done.......... He said.

I have a little problem  and suggestion too Gerald....... Ashley spoke.

Ok shoot....... Gerald replied.

❤️ U
Christalyne peisie
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