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chapter seventeen: don't cry


I wrap my arms around Carly and pull her towards me. She hides her face in my shoulder and I stroke over her hair. 

We stand in the door frame for a few minutes until I carefully let her go and lead her into the house. She stumbles next to me and I have to hold her by her waist so she doesn't fall. She moves like she's drunk. 

I drape her on the couch, sit down next to her and take her hands in mine. Tears are streaming down her face and leave streaks in her make-up. She looks at me and in her eyes is the most pain I have ever seen in anyones. It breaks me and I press my lips on her fingers. 

Quietly we sit on the couch next to each other and don't talk. From time to time our eyes meet and I can see Carlys quiet question over and over again. 'Why did this have to happen?' I want to tell her that I don't know, but it would be a lie. I was the one who told Charles to tell her that he was cheating on her even though I knew that she had been stressed out by the other things that had happened.

After some time I ask her if she wants some hot chocolate. When she slowly nods after a few seconds I get up and go into the kitchen. There I cry a little while making the chocolate because it hurts me to see her like this and to know that I'm part of the reason why she's so bad right now. It destroys me. 

I take way to long to make the hot chocolate and bring it to my best friend. I don't want Carly to see me cry because I know that she will cry even more if she does. When I come into the living room again she nearly stopped crying and has a blanket wrapped around herself, which she probably found in the basket behind the couch. 

She looks at me with a broken but gentle smile and I return the smile. I hurry to sit down next to her again and hand her the cup the hot chocolate is in. 

"Thank you," she says and takes a long sip. I don't know if she even realizes that the chocolate is boiling hot and not that easy to drink or if she just doesn't care.

I nod instead of answering with words and watch her drink the hot chocolate. My hands are locked and I don't actually know what to do or say. For some time we just sit on the couch again until Carlys tears don't seem to come again and she puts her cup down.

"Thank you," she repeats.

"It's fine." I smile and run my fingers through my hair. "I'm glad I could help." Why did I say this again? This was a dumb thing to say. I'm her best friend and she knows that I will help her in every situation she's in. And I mean every single one.

"I'm glad that I decided to come to you instead of going home," she mumbles and takes another sip of her chocolate. "I came her right away... I couldn't bare talking to anyone else but you..." She says a little louder and smiles at me. 

Hearing that I was the first person she wanted to go to after hearing another awful thing warms my heart. I still feel bad that she had to go through so much today but realizing how much I mean to her makes the butterflies in my stomach go crazy again. Even though I know that it is because we are so good friends.

I can see that there are small tears in the corners of her eyes again and take one of her hands again. "It's okay Carly. I'm happy that you trust me that much..." I smile at her warmly and draw circles with my thumb on the back of her hand.

She nods. "It's great to have you as such a good friend." again the butterflies go crazy but this time it hurts a little bit more then make me happy.

We can be more.

We sit and look at each other for some time again until I actually get a little curious about what Charles told her. "I don't want to be mean but if your ready maybe you can tell me what happened...," I carefully say and try to not let it sound like it's the only thing I want from her. "Because I guess that Charles is the reason for your tears...," I add. 

She nods again and drinks another Sip of the hot chocolate before she starts talking. "I was really confused when Charles wrote me a message that he wanted to meet me in the park because there was something we had to talk about. At first I didn't think anything because I had already suspected that he would break up with me because of how he behaved the last weeks." I don't want to interrupt her but when she stops talking I know that she wants me to at least say a little thing.

"Yeah, I noticed it too... He seemed really weird," I comment. 

"You're right." She nods. "After the whole drama with principal Clearwater was kind of over I immediately called you while I walked to the park. I was really sorry when I had to hang up on you because I had spotted Charles but he seemed really nervous standing on the meadow. It made me nervous too, because I could see that there was something going on in his mind and I was sure that it wasn't only that he would break up with me..." Again she takes a break but I know that it would be rude to say something because she doesn't wait for it and so I sit there look at her and wait until she's ready to keep talking.

"I walked up to him and he started talking like nothing was wrong until I had enough and just told him that he was going to break up with me. At first he didn't say anything an then he asked me if I knew Delila from his class... Turns out he cheated on me with her and didn't even have the courage to tell me about it earlier..." She starts to cry again. I take the cup out of her hand, place it on the table next to the couch and hug her.

"He's an idiot, Carly. He's not worth your tears," I say and she nods wiping away her tears. 

"You're right," she agrees. Then she takes the remote and turns on the TV like it is hers and she uses it everyday. None of us talk while we watch a show we don't know and after a few hours Carly falls asleep snuggling against me. 

For half an hour I watch her sleep until my eyelids get heavy. My head sinks onto hers and I fall asleep just short after while the TV is still on.

Gif is Carly


This one took a bit longer than I thought because I lowkey can't write sad stuff. Hope you still enjoyed it.

Do you think Carly would be angry at Auden if she told her that she told Charles to tell Carly about the cheating?

See you tomorrow on the other side of the rainbow



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