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chapter six: flying


I walk across the meadow next to the pool. There are a lot of people laying or sitting on towels underneath the trees. All of them are here because of the warm weather. Since yesterday the temperatures have been going up again. It feels like it's summer again even though we have october.

I choose the last shadowy place on the meadow and spread my towel underneath it. Carly isn't here yet because I got here half an hour earlier to get a good space to lay down. 

My towel is soft and not long enough for me to lay on it completely. I'm glad that I got a shadowy place because even underneath the tree the sun is pretty strong and starts to burn my skin. So I take the sunscreen out of the bag I brought with me. In it there is a little bit to eat, my phone, sunscreen and some money. 

I take of my shirt to cover my skin which is showing while I'm wearing my Bikini. The top strapless and white and the bottom has a pink flower print.

Slowly I put on the sunscreen and cover my whole in a thin layer to protect it from the sun. It's a bit sticky and smells like oranges. After I'm done I lay down on my towel and close my eyes. The light still shines through my eyelids and I get warmer with time. 

For a while I just lay on my back and don't do anything. The sun keeps warming up my skin and I turn around on my stomach. At some point a second shadow falls onto me and the small amount of sun light that got through the leaves of the tree is held from reaching me. I open one eye and see Carlys grinning face hovering above me. 

"Hello there," she says and puts down her towel next to mine. I sit up and look at her.

"Hi." She looks great in her flowy summer dress. It has a flower print just like my swimsuit and plays around her legs as she moves. It makes her look like some kind of fairy princess wearing a coat out of flowers. Like she's the incarnation of the summer. 

Again I demand the butterflies in my stomach to stop to dance samba and for the first they listen to me.

She takes of her flower coat and I'm confronted by how perfect she looks like, how flawless her skin is. My heart skips a beat and I can't help but hold my breath for a second.

"Could you help me?," she asks and hands me her sunscreen she took out of her bag. It's a special one for sun sensitive skin. Like a lot of red heads she has to struggle with her extremely white skin too.

I take the tube with the sun protection and press a little bit out of it into my hand. It smells floral and it makes me think of how fitting it is with her dress. Carefully I distribute the sunscreen on her back. Her skin is soft and fragile.

"Thank you," she says and smiles at me. I smile back and give her the sunscreen. She covers the rest of her paper skin underneath a layer to protect it. After she's done she lays down on her back and I do the same. 

We lay there for some time and let the sunscreen get into our skins so it doesn't go off to fast in the water. While we lay on our towels we do not talk. Once or twice I look at her, how she lays there with her skin seeming to shine in the sunlight and her eyes closed making her look a bit like a porcelain doll. 

After some time Carly sits up and asks me if I want to go into the water with her. I say yes and so we walk across the meadow to the pool. It doesn't take long until we are at its edge. Carly dips one toe into the water and takes it out again right away.

"Wow, that's cold." I pull up one eyebrow. Carly looks at me with a bitch face and I have to laugh. The laughing causes me to close my eyes and before I can open them again someone pushes me. I cry out, still laughing and fall over the edge of the pool rowing with my arms. The water is cold just like Carly said and I dive down, deep under.

I don't move right away to get to the surface. But stay under water for a moment. It's pretty quiet here, the water makes me feel like I can fly and it makes me feel great. For one moment I think that it would be fantastic to just stay like this but then I burst through the surface and inhale the air that tastes like chlorine.

To don't get water in my eyes I rub over them before I open both of them. Carly is standing in front of me laughing. I cross my arms and can't help but grin.

"That wasn't a wise decision," I threaten jokingly.

"You think so?," she asks ironically and sits down on the edge of the pool letting her legs dangle into the water.

"I do think so," I say before I grab her hand and pull her off the edge into the water. She sreams as she slides off the edge and dives under the surface like I did before.

Her res hair are flying around her and move like real fire. Then she burst through the surface and her face is covered with a curtain of red hair. She brushes it away and glares at me with a acted hateful face. I can't help but laugh. Then a cargo of water lands in my faces and I swallow a lot of it.

I can hear Carly laugh and blindly splash some water in her direction. Then I can hear the water hit its target. Carlys laughter changes into coughing and then back into laughter. Slowly I open my eyes and see Carly running her fingers through her hair.

"Now I'm wet," I jokingly say and get another splash of water for that poor joke.

"Yeah, me too," Carly agrees ironically and we both start to laugh again. Then I return her splash and we start a battle that goes on for quite a while.

After we're done both of us swim some Tracks and talk about god and the world. It's real fun to do so. To spend so much time with one of the most important people in my life. I really missed these carefree times with Carly. Just laughing and enjoying each others company.

We end up on our towels again. Carlys head is laying in my lap and I'm playing with her hair.

"Imagine flying to the moon," she says and looks at me with her brown eyes, "The zero gravity would feel like crazy."

I nod "You're right. It would feel amazing without gravity, nearly flying and free."

"You're right." Carly looks away from me towards the sky. "But it takes a lot of practice to get that kind of freedom."

Again I nod in agreement. "Now I have to say you're right." My statement makes her laugh which shakes my whole body. "But maybe you can find the freedom somewhere else. Or something familiar."

"Yeah. In the water it's a bit like that. Like flying."

I nod as she looks at me again. She's right. Swimming feels like flying. It's not for nothing that astronauts learn to deal with zero gravity and their suits in a huge pool where they try to simulate it.

We spent a few more hours at the pool before we leave and go too my house.

Today was one of the best days since a long time and while Carly and I walk down the road towards my family's house I swear myself to never forget it.

Gif is Auden having fun with Carly


Welcome back you guys. I hope you still enjoy the story even tough I don't write that much anymore.

Another bit of philosophy in this one. What do you think about it?

See you tomorrow on the other side of the rainbow



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