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chapter twenty-nine: goodbye


"Hi there," I say when I join my friends in our free hour. 

They are sitting on the spectator ranks and talk when I finally come up to them because I got stopped by a girl who asked me if she could join the schools newspaper which I'm doing now. 

"There you are," Carly cheers and jumps up to greet me with a quick kiss. 

It has been four months since the competition and therefore the day everyone found out about our relationship but there are way more people who support us then who dislike us. 

"There I am," I grin and she gives me an eyeroll while I sit down next to Hotaru. 

"How are you guys?," I ask and take out my food which I was suppose to have eaten in lunch break but I didn't have enough time to because Clearwater wanted the first newspaper this week and someone had to write it. 

"Great, besides the fact that Clearwater told Max that he would throw them out of the Lacrosse team if they don't say that they are a boy," Hotaru grumbles. 

"Are you serious?" I want to know and she nods.

"Sadly yes," she answers and Marcus joins in. "They were really upset about it and we are suppose to call him by he, him now instead of the pronouns they want to use. But we don't care and still call Max by they, them."

"That's nice of you," Carly says and smiles at him. I nod in agreement and take a bite of the sandwich I'd prepared before.

"Yeah, I think that too," Marcus grins and gets a punch from me and Hotaru for being so egoistic even though it's just a joke. 

Then we stop talking for a while and just enjoy the sun shining down on us. Until we hear someone yelling something. At first no one of us seems to understand them because we all just look at each other with confused faces. Then some other kids run past us.

"Were are you going?," Marcus asks them and one of them stops.

"There is something with Principal Clearwater," he says before he continues to hurry towards the school.

Again we look at each other. Hotaru is the first one to jump up and run after the other kids with us following her.

When we reach the school the whole hallways are filled with students coming out of the classrooms and walking towards the principals office.

"What is happening?," Carly wants to know but no one answers her. We trie to get through the crowd to the very front so we can actually see what's going on. After some time we actually manage it to get through that we can see two men talking to Clearwater who has a box in his hand.

I don't know who the men are but whatever their doing, it seems to not make Clearwater happy, what makes me feel good.

"They are from the school council," a student to my left points out to one of her friends.

"What are they doing here?," The friend asks and his eyes scan the two men who are still talking to the principal.

"I have no idea," the other says, "but whenever the school council shows up in person something is absolutely wrong."

Something is absolutely wrong it echoes through my head. What could be wrong? There was nothing that Clearwater had done in the last few months that was wrong. - Except for throwing Daphne out a few months ago, but the council never knew about it. -

"I can't hear them," Marcus complains and tries to get further to the men.

"None of us can," Hotaru says and hurries through the crowd passing through the smallest spaces where none of us can get through.

We try to follow her as good as we can and find ourselves nearly next to the men from the school council and I recognize one of them as Mr. Stuart who lives in the same street as Carly.

"We cannot accept this," Mr. Stuart tells Clearwater.

"Why are you coming now?," Clearwater wants to know and I get a good look at the box. In there are all the things that had been in his office, all his personal belongings which means that he... That can't be true... He had been fired.

"Because no one felt the need to inform us," the other man says, "and after we found out about it, it took some time for us to decide what we were going to do with you." He literally glares at Clearwater and I nearly have to laugh about it. How could I have ever thought that they wouldn't have Daphnes back?

"And this is why you are going to leave this school today," Mr. Stuart finishes his partners sentence before he turns around. The crowd parts in front of him and the other man when they pass through. Clearwater looks after them and the crowd of students closes after the school councils again.

A thousand eyes stare at him now and he seems to get uncomfortable until he seems to get his courage back. - Or at least a bit of it. - Then he rises his chin and begins to make his way through the student crowd which doesn't part in front of him like they had done with the school council guys.

It seems as if a lot of the students are now somehow happy that he has to go and there are a lot of them glaring at them. 

"Is this real?," Carly wants to know and looks at me. 

"I hope so," I say and look after Clearwater disappearing in the crowd leaving this school and never to come back. 

Gif is just Carly (because I love Madelaine)


Yaay! They have defeated the villain and the end will be one like out of a fairy tale. Because who doesn't love a happy ending?

I'm very pleased that Clearwater has to leave, very pleased. What about you?

See you tomorrow on the other side of the rainbow



Taste the Rainbow (Editing/Rewriting, slow progress) Where stories live. Discover now