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"Mum, do we have to go here again? We go here every year. Can't we change it up?" I moan, holding the heavy black suitcase before my dad takes it off me and shoves into the back of the car.

"Maybe next year, dear." My dad says, his english accent standing out more compared to my mums Chinese accent.
"Maybe this year will be different, Mei," My mum says, closing the car then locking the front door of our small house.

My dad is English, he has brown hair and brown eyes. He's rather small and wears loose jumpers all the time, sometimes he goes crazy and wears awkwardly lengthed shorts. My mum, quite the contrast is Chinese with long black hair, her eyes are also very dark but they have a weirdly similar fashion sense.

I am evenly mixed of them, although the Chinese of my mum does show in my face and my dark hair and eyes but the circle shaped glasses I wear hides my eyes for the most part. My figure is very short, no more than 5"1. I know tiny, right? I had an average figure to fit my tiny height but like most people I do have my insecurities.
I'm basically flat-chested and have awkwardly shaped thighs.

"You say that every year, mum," I roll my eyes as I sit in the backseat of our car. My dad starts the car and the long 5 hour car journey begins.

I gaze out the window: taking in the usual sights I see on this yearly journey. It starts with through the town I live in, the small houses, ivy covered buildings and cobble floors. As I'm staring out the window, music blaring through my earphones I feel my eyes get heavy. Soon enough, I'm in a light sleep.

When I wake up, I look back out the window as the music continues to play. We're driving through the country side, I watch the sheep and cows as they prance around the large and endless fields. I glance over to my parents who are softly mumbling to each other. I'm glad they're still able to talk to each other.

My mum looks up at me through the mirror, I take one of my earphones out and she turns around to look at me.
"You're 17 now, Mei. You can have more freedom this year," she smiles cheerfully, the wrinkles around her eyes becoming more prominent.
"Me and your dad need some alone time anyway, we've been working really hard," she turns back around and turns to my dad. He smiles slightly.
"We've got your favourite caravan to stay in!" He chirps in.

I smile to myself, it was a really nice caravan. It was near the cliff so the beautiful beach could be seen but it was also only a short walk away from the attractions.

I look back out the window, realising we've now arrived. I will never forget this excited feeling. I press one of my hands against the window. As we get to the large yellow signs on both sides saying 'Welcome to Laststone Beach Resort!" And 'We hope you enjoy your stay with us!' I feel the excitement build in me.

My dad stops the car near the entrance, handing the worker the paper saying we're staying for 2 weeks. The barrier lifts and our holiday has officially started!

As my dad drives down the paths, tall man-planted trees hover over the car. We park the car in the parking lot near the set of the cliff caravans. I jump out the car, having a change in heart once we actually arrive. My dad opens the back of the car and I pull my black suitcase out and swing the matching backpack on my back.

"To our favourite caravan!" My dad shouts and points towards the set of 10 caravans. I giggle as he closes the boot. My mum and dad trail in front of me, pulling their suitcases behind them.

After a short walk we reach the white caravan. My dad takes the key from in the small safe, opens the door and walks in. I follow my mum in and they put the suitcases on the sofa, mine going on the top. I look around at the caravan.

The open planned kitchen, dining room and living room had the same colour theme of pastel blue and a darker blue to represent the sea. The sofa arched around the living room with the windows placed above it. I walk through the kitchen and dining room and down the tight hallway, glancing into the small master bedroom and the bathroom with the same colour theme which had the essentials of a sink, shower and toilet. Finally, I reach bedroom with a single small bed. I place my backpack on it and look around at the familiar room. It has one large window looking out at the beach and shelves along the pale grey walls.

I finally feel excited for this holiday!

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