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Dear Diary,

I'm lucky to be with such an amazing guy, he's a great husband and father to the twins. This summer we're going away to a beach resort, it's where I used to go with my family. My heart aches when I think of it, the aching doesn't stop there either. I'll find myself crying when I wake up after dreaming of it.

All of my memories are good there but it hurts so much to think about it. My husband doesn't understand the pain so we're going anyway, to make new memories with our children.

It's been 20 years since I've been there. After I met Noah- I never went back. I kept everything though, I wore the necklace at my wedding, it's a lucky charm for me now.

Sometimes Noah crosses my mind, late at night when I'm in bed and my husband is sleeping. The thought of him hurts my heart, like we're unfinished. .

Maybe we are.

I wonder, where Noah is now? Did he achieve his dream?

Does he think of me too? 


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