day 3

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I wake up late from sleeping late after texting Noah until late. I reach over for my phone and open it, smiling at the photo me and Noah took together.

2 unread messages

Hi, good morning. I'm sorry I kept you awake so late. Are you free today?? I was thinking we could go to the arcade.

Wake up lazy butt

I smile and quickly text him back.

Sorry, good morning. I'll check now!

I move out of the bed and change into a blue crop top with some daisies and dandelions on it. I pull some black leggings on, pick up my phone and walk into the kitchen.

My mum and dad stare at me instantly.
"You looked like you were having fun last night, is that Noah?" My dad says.

I nod.

"He's a boy!" My mum says loudly.

"And that's okay, dear. She's 17; let her live her life!" My dad says back to my mum who slouches down into the sofa, defeated.

I walk into the kitchen and pour myself some cereal and some milk, obviously cereal first. I walk to the table, sitting down as I hear the TV from the front room. I start to eat my cereal as my phone vibrates in my pocket.

Alright. I'm glad you're even awake.

I smile to myself and look at my parents. "Are we doing anything today?" I ask.

My dad shakes her head and glances back over at me. "Me and your mum are thinking of going on a walk into the woods if your okay alone for the day?"

I nod and turn back around to my phone, texting Noah back that I'm free.

I'm free, meet me at the arcade at 11:45?

He messages me back quickly, saying that he'll be there. I quickly eat my cereal, my parents leaving at about 11:30 after kissing my head and giving me a hug, telling me to stay safe.

Before I leave the house, I write a quick note telling my parents I've gone out for the day and I wont be back later than 8.
Next, I take my bag shoving some money into my purse and my phone as I start walking to the arcade.

As I step into the familiar arcade, I look around at all the children playing on the different machines, at the diner style cafe and listen to the quiet music and noises of coins dropping.

It's not long until Noah is stood next to me and we're walking to a 2p machine.
I get out some of my change and start sliding it into the slots in the machines, him next to me doing the same.

"I bet I can get more 2ps than you!" He laughs as he collects his 2ps from the bottom.

"Sure you can!" I laugh too as I shake my coins in my small pot, sliding more in. After some time, I'm able to push a lollipop of the edge, I smile to myself and slide it into my mouth. Strawberry flavoured.

He keeps sliding coins in, eventually smiling a lot when he hands me a keyring. I smile to him, opening my bag and getting my keys out for my home and attaching the keyring to it. The keyring was a small heart with the name of the resort on it. I smile to myself and smile at him but he's already too busy playing again. Determined to win the same keyring I I start pushing 2ps into the slots quicker.

After a while of talking to Noah about his life at home and my life at home, I'm able to win one. I hand it over to him and watch him attach it to his keys. He smiles and we lean against the arcade machine.

"You hungry?" He asks.

I nod and pull my floral and tattered purse out. We start walking to the diner area, all the kids shouting and playing around with each other. I feel my social anxiety kick in as we get to the counter, I have over a £10 note to Noah.

"I'm too awkward to order- can you get me chips and a Pepsi Max?" He nods as I walk off the waiting area, sitting on a chair as he confidently orders.

He walks over to me, smiling brightly as he holds two cups and two containers of chips. "Wanna walk?" He asks, quickly I nod, wanting to get away from the people here.

We walk together, both drinking and eating our chips, to the beach. Once again, when I reach the bottom of the stairs I place my shoes and socks into my bag.

I feel the sand against my feet as we walk to the rock where we met. He places our drinks on the floor and turns to look at me.

"What do you want to do with your life?" He asks, taking a bite from a chip.

"That's a deep question," I mumble. He had never asked me anything like this before. "But ultimately, I want to help people, fall in love with a guy, get married and have 3 children. What about you, Noah?" I reply, as I take another chip and eat it quickly.

"I'm not sure yet, I would love to go into physics or something science related. I love maths. I'm not sure about kids and marriage though; it doesn't seem like me."

"Nerd." I laugh, but amazed by the fact he loves maths, he doesn't seem like the type from his confident exterior. "I think that's pretty cool about the science and maths. I'm impressed, maths is hard. Maybe you'll change your opinion about children and marriage." I say, finishing my chips and smiling at him.

"No girl could ever have that effect on me," he laughs.

"Maybe I could..." I mumble, looking over at his chips he is yet to finish.

He places his hand on his chest from shock. "The awkward Mei Bella Li is flirting with?!" He says, putting a shocked voice on.

"I'm joking!" I laugh. "Or am I?" I lean over him, whispering slightly as I start to take one of his chips. I see him start to blush. Quickly, moving back and eating one of his chips.

"Oh, so that's why you were flirting with me? You wanted to eat my chips?" He whispers, in a flirtatious voice as he quickly finishes his final few chips, which does make his flirty voice lose his effect.

"It wasn't flirting! I was just hungry!" I laugh, leaning back on the rock.

"Are you sure you're not madly in love with me? It'll making leaving me much harder," he says in a mocking tone.

"Like I could love you!" I say, in the same tone.

"I'm irresistible, babe," he smiles, running a hand through his brown hair in a jokey way. I roll my eyes and jump off the rock and into the sea.

"Sure you are, babe," I say in a tone like his as I run off.

I feel it rush up to my legs and start kicking it around. He soon joins me, kicking water at my legs as I run away, almost tripping a few times. He follows me, running around with me like lunatics.

As my legs start to hurt again, I stand still, unable to move. He rushes over to me.

"What's wrong?" He frowns.

"My legs hurt," I mumble, slightly embarrassed.

"Hop on," he turns around and crouches slightly as I jump onto his back, I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck as he walks us back to the rock. He carefully let's me off to sit down and hands me my drink.

"Thankyou." I smile. He nods at me.
"It's getting late, I should head home," I mumble.

"Let me help you," he offers his arm out, just like the first time we met. Although this time, I happily take it.

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