day 1

93 10 15

After unpacking my suitcase and my backpack onto the multiple shelves. I look at the clock hanging above the bed, 3PM. I look into the small mirror at what I was wearing and how I looked. My outfit consisted of black ripped jeans and a long sleeved red top. I tuck the top into my jeans and walk out the bedroom, firstly grabbing my black backpack.

I walk out to my parents who are already sat down watching a film. They look up at me and smile.

"I'm going to go on a walk, see if anything has changed since last year." I slide on the black and red trainers and open the caravan door.

"Be home before 10!" My dad says for my mum to interrupt him.
"No 8!" She shouts. 
"9!" My dad shouts over my mums voice. I turn around and face them.

I close the door behind me and start walking down the stoney path until reaching the wooden stairs down the cliff. Without hesitating I start walking down them. As I reach half way I start to have a clear view of the beautiful beach, the clear blue sea was starting to come in and made soft noises as I reach the final step.

I step onto the sand and hear it crunch under my feet, quickly I move my feet off the sand and slide my trainers and socks off and shove them inside the bag. The beach is fairly empty, just a few people walking, some children playing in the sea and a few people walking a dog or two.

I step onto the sand and feel it underneath my feet and in between my toes. I walk the short walk to the sea and let the sea run over my feet, watching it before looking out to the distance, it was still the afternoon so it was fairly light still.

After some time of standing in the sea, my legs start to hurt. I limp to the closest rock and sit down. I exhale and watch the sea start to move in closer but not close enough to worry me.
I stare at the waves moving and listen to the sounds, completely in my own world.

"The seas coming in, you're gonna want to move," a male voice says from behind me. I turn around and see a young boy running to where I am. "Are you okay?" He continues.

I look at him before talking, he is tall and thin, like a spaghetti noodle, he has dark green eyes and light brown hair which falls over them. He's wearing loose grey joggers and a grey hoodie where his hands are stuffed into his pockets.

I smile awkwardly. "Yeah, I'll move in a minute and I'm fine,"

"Ooh, when girls say they're fine it usually means they're lying." He sits himself way too close to me. 

"That's a bit judgy, you don't know me," I say, not looking at him but instead the sea.

"I'm willing to take my chances that you're not fine."

"My legs just hurt, that's all. I'll be fine in a minute."

He slaps his leg, causing me to jump a bit. "I'm so good at reading people!"


"I don't want you to drown so I'll sit with you until you can move. What's your name?"

He's so loud and confident, a complete contrast to the quiet beach. I turn to face him and he's already looking at me. "Mei. You?"

"What's your full name?"

"Mei Bella Li. What's your name?"

"Noah Thomas Carter." He leans back slightly, his arms keeping him up. "Nice to meet you Mei Bella Li. How old are you and how long are you here for?"

"You ask a lot of questions." I move my eyes back to the sea, the wind blowing in my dark hair. "But 17, and two weeks so 14 days. What about you?"

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