day 8

44 6 7

I stood in the arcade, waiting for Noah to arrive. I glanced at my reflection in the glass of one of the machines.

My hairs tied into a really messy bun, I'm wearing black leggings and a tight blue top with long sleeves. I look around the flashy arcade, standing awkwardly.

Not long after, Noah arrives smiling. He wraps his arms around my waist and instantly pulls me into a big bear hug. Obviously, I don't hesitate hugging him.

"Are you ready to be beaten at laser tag?" He laughs and we start walking to the entrance together.

"Oh cause you're so good at it? I'm obviously going to win!" I laugh too, sitting down on a bench and waiting for the rest of the teams.

"I've been practicing. I've got this, Mei. Look out," he winks at me.

"I've got nothing to worry about," I roll my eyes as I playfully nudge him.

After a few more minutes of waiting, 8 more people arrive and sit on benches. I opt for the red team and he goes for the blue team. There's 5 people per team. We're given a vest each and a gun with our allocated colour. Finally, were told not to run because of the dark lighting and secluded areas.

Noah sticks his tongue out at me as we go through the dark tunnels. Instantly, I look around: the only lighting is the multicolored glow in the dark paint against the black paint. There were sets of barrels around the main area and red paint covered the inside of our little den where we can't be shot.

Slowly, my team go around sneakily hiding. I glance around for a hiding spot to shoot people. Eventually, I skid behind a set of green barrels.

I notice 2 of the blue teams members dead and 1 red. I see Noah hiding behind a different set of barrels and stand up, shooting him quickly before running around openly now that Noah is dead. The red team use this to their advantage and start shooting at the now unhidden blue team members. It's not long until the 2 blue team memebers shoot me but quickly die themself to the rest of the red team.

We meet back in the red teams den, highfiving over our first win. We start to get ready for the second out of the 3 games.

After the bell rings, we all zoom out and hide around. I hear zaps but no one leaving. I run behind the wall and shoot the blue team member there. I breathe heavily, my team shooting around against the awful blue team. I see Noah, already dead. That saves me a job.
Suddenly,  I get shot as I'm lost thinking of Noah.

I walk next to Noah and he sticks his tongue out.
"We're winning.." I mumble.
"I have the last round." He shrugs. I laugh mockingly.

I hear the bell sound and see one red team member left and all the blues pouting.

"We've won 2/3," I laugh at Noah.

"I'm going to kill you this round anyway," he winks at me, "look out, Mei." He laughs as we go to our dens.

"Good job guys, we won. Let's make it 3 for 3," a guy on my team says, causing us all to nod and laugh.

The bell rings and I run to hide behind the wall, not learning my lesson clearly. It's lonely and dark here, the glowing paint standing out a lot.

I stand alone until Noah comes around the corner.
"Found you!" He whispers, the other team members shooting at each other and failing.

"Fuck," I mumble.

"Are you ready to die, Mei?"

I shake my head. He comes further behind the wall.

"I'm very sorry about me having to kill you." He whispers, a smile on his face as he puts his gun up. I close my eyes tightly, waiting for him to shoot me and him to make fun of me for a while.

But he doesn't.

I slowly open my eyes. His gun is now pointing to the floor instead of me.

"Aren't you going to-"

In a blink he runs towards me, placing his hands on my cheeks. It goes by in a flash as he makes me look at him. His lips are pressed against mine suddenly.
My heart speeds up and the colour goes to my cheeks. I stand there in shock, his soft lips against mine. I'm unable to move. My hands are by my side and my eyes  slightly open still.

"Kiss me back, Mei." He mumbles against my lips.

I can't move.

"Kiss me, Mei," he mutters, still against my lips.

Slowly, I move my lips against his, closing my eyes. I feel him smile and loosen up. His hands move to the back of my neck as he keeps kissing me, his tongue pressing against my lips for entry now.

Hesitantly, eventually I let him. Our tongues fight and I move my hands from my side to around his neck.

He pulls away slowly, his eyes are staring deep into mine.

"I'm so sorry," he whispers.

"What for?"

He shoots me.

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