day 2

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Me and my family spend most of second day of our holiday in the pool, going down the various slides together and having competitions. After this, we go to the small grocery/gift shop and buy some groceries for the week. I accompany them the entire day until we go back to our caravan at about 5PM, after dinner.

"What are we doing for the rest of the night?" I ask, putting the bags onto the kitchen counter.

"It's Friday night so we're going to the club place, like we usually do when we're here, Mei." My dad laughs and starts to empty the bags into the cupboards.

"Do we have too?" I whine, sitting down on a cushioned chair.

"Mei, I know you're dealing with trauma but you have to get back out there eventually," he sadly smiles at me.

"I made a new friend yesterday called Noah!"

"A boy?" My mum walks over to us, looking at me with worry as she quickly walks over to us.

"Dear, it's okay if it's a boy. At least she's making friends again," he looks at my mum and smiles.

"I am here, and I can hear you. I have friends at home," I say interrupting them.

"You have one, Mei. Leah." My mum says, looking over at me.

"And that's enough, mum." I stand up and look at my dad who's putting the reusable bags away now.

"Maybe your new friend will be there tonight. Go get dressed into something nice." My dad smiles, I reluctantly nod and walk into my bedroom.

I open the small wardrobe and search for a dress that could be flattering. Eventually, I find a black floral strappy dress and pull it on and stops just above the knees. I look at myself in the mirror as I comb my dark hair down. I search through my backpack for my makeup, finding my mascara and shiny lip gloss. I walk back to the mirror and quickly put my lip gloss on and my mascara carefully but my glasses covering the effect of it.

"Mei, are you ready?" My mum shouts from the other room, almost simultaneously.

I walk out from my bedroom and to the main room. My dad smiles at me, as does my mum. "You look so much better dressed up!" My mum claps her hands together before picking up her bag.

My dad was wearing a blue shirt and some loose pants, his hair neatly combed back. My mum decided to match with him, wearing a floor length blue dress and her black hair tied into a loose bun.

We start to walk as a family, my mum asking about Noah and my dad telling her to chill. I can't help but laugh at them both bickering over my friendship.

We go into the club, it was one for children. You know what I mean? A stage with some employees dressed up or a unknown band singing covers, a big colourful floor for children to dance, a bar to order drinks and loads of sets of chairs and tables.

I walk in and look around as my parents lead us to an empty table. I sit down as does my mum. The club is full of people, mostly young children and their parents but a few slightly tipsy adults at the bar.

"What do you want to drink?" My dad asks, pulling his wallet out.

"Pepsi Max," the elite drink. He nods and looks at my mum.
"Sparkling water." She smiles, "with a lemon." My dad nods after rolling his eyes. He walks off, soon returning with our drinks and his coffee.

I start to drink the Pepsi Max and my dad looks at me then at my mum who's excitedly drinking the sparkling water through a straw.

"Why don't you go make some friends?" My dad says, causing my mum to nod.

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