day 4

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It's about 10am and I'm sat in the small cafe with Noah, we agreed to meet for breakfast today. He's tucking into his syrup covered pancakes and I eat my omelette.

"Did you know they have laser tag here? Have you ever played?" He asks, taking a sip from his pure orange juice.
I shake my head and take a sip from my orange squash. He smiles at me.
"We should play sometime this week," he laughs. I nod and keep eating my omelette.

"What's your life like in England? In once place?" He rolls his eyes at the final sentence. I place my knife and fork down on my empty plate.

"It's good, the weather is bad there but it's a cute little rustic town. I have one friend and that's it. I spend a lot of time at college and working at my part-time job as a waitress." I smile, "What about you? Why did you start moving around?"

"I never really have full time friendships and I have jobs everywhere I move. I do college mostly online at this point so I don't have to move suddenly because the curriculum is different everywhere." He rolls his eyes at the college before looking down sadly, his eyes getting slightly darker.
"We started moving around when I was 14, my mum got cancer and unfortunately she didn't make it and left my dad with me, my older brother who was 18 and my younger brother who was 1. My dad wanted to understandably get away so we started to move around, it started close like an hour away, then a few more hours, then to countries, now to across the world each time. He was never happy, he never really is anymore. He lost the most important thing to him, he lost a part of him. I guess it's why I don't believe in love anymore, seeing my dad that heartbroken broke me too- nearly as much as my mums death." He glances up from the table at me, tears starting to brim but he quickly blinks them away.

I move my hand to his on the table and he looks up at me clearly. "I'm really sorry, Noah." I whisper. He forces a small smile, moving his other hand ontop of mine.

"It's okay, thankyou for being someone I can tell." He whispers back as we move our hands way. I smile at him and he smiles back. "You don't have to give up on love because of that Noah, your dad sounds like he really loves her and I'm sure you can love someone like she does. Everyone deserves love. Don't give up on love because you could be different." I whisper, he smiles back at me.

"You don't give up on love too, Mei." He smiles as a waitress takes our plates away and leaves the check on the table.

"I've got this, you paid yesterday." He smiles and puts a £10 note on the tray. He stands up, walking over to me and offering me his hand, I take it and he helps me up. We walk out the cafe, my hand in his.

He walks me back to my caravan, continuing to hold my hand for support and nothing else.

"You ever been in love, Mei?" He suddenly asks as we sit down on a bench to give my hurting legs a rest, letting go of my surprisingly sweaty hands.

"No- not with anyone real, maybe Levi Ackerman or Viktor Nikiforov," I glance over at him, he's staring at me confused.

"Anime characters."

"Ohhh...weirdo..." He mutters, "not that you asked or anything but neither have I. Your hands were really sweaty by the way, it was kinda gross."

I blush slightly before he starts laughing, causing me to laugh too. "What's the most you've done with a girl?" I ask, looking over at him.

"Don't get jealous and I'll tell you." He coos, moving closer to me.

"Why would I get jealous?" I laugh.

He rolls his eyes and laughs softly. "Alright- well I'm not a virgin, I've kissed quite a few girls but no more than 10." He laughs again, more awkwardly. "Have you done anything?"

"Wow, look at you go." I laugh, standing up from the bench, urging to change the subject from all that. He stands up next to me.

"It's not too crazy! Lord Byron had a crazy life and he went down as a legend, maybe that's my goal too!" He smiles as we start to walk.

"How- How do you even know who he is? Plus, he was a really controversial figure in that time, he did some really out-there things, especially for that time period.'

"I paid attention to English lessons, maybe not as much as you though..." he pouts as we continue walking. It's not much more of a walk and I enjoy talking to him as a genuinely as I can and making fun of each other.

As we reach my caravan he waves me off and shouts that he'll text me later. I wave back and enter the caravan.

"Mei, out with the boy again?" My mum instantly says as I shut the caravan door. I nod as a reply and sit on one of the dining room chairs.

"He'll break your heart!" My mum says, pointing her finger at me.

"We're just friends, mum." I laugh softly and look over at my dad who's also laughing at my mum.

"Let her live, dear, she's only for two weeks." He walks over to her and sits next to my mum.

"I don't want our baby to get hurt," my mum looks over to my dad and my dad smiles sadly.

"Me too. Not again, anyway but she needs to live her life and have fun whilst she's hear and the boy seems to make her happy." He smiles at mum and I smile at my dad.

A few moments later I get a text. I pull my phone out my back pocket and open the notification.

I just got home, thankyou for today. I had fun with you and I enjoy spending time with you. I'm glad I finally got to open up to you.

I quickly text him back.

I'm glad you opened up to me, it really brought us closer. I can't wait to spend time with you tomorrow c:

Do you want to go for a walk into the woods tomorrow?

As long as you don't kill me, I'm up for it.

Don't piss me off, babe ;)

No promises, babe ;)

Ah shit, I gotta go swimming with my brothers. I'll see you tomorrow. I'll be at yours for 1PM to start our walk. Have a good day.

Okay, see you tomorrow.

I smile to myself as I put my phone back in my pocket.

"Should we go have a picnic at the beach for dinner?" My dad asks, getting the picnic basket out of the cupboard in the front room. Enthusiastically,  I nod, my mum smiles and my dad starts to get the picnic ready.

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