day 9

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I swing back and fourth on the park's swing set. I hadn't thought of anything but Noah for almost 24 hours. Our kiss replays in my mind almost constantly. We haven't spoke all day.

As I'm sat in my old world, my phone vibrates in my back pocket, quickly I take it out fearing that my parents have decided to make me come back home.

Hey, are you free or do you have to go to the club place with your family?

No, my parents said I could spend some time alone.

Can you meet me at the beach? I think we have to talk.

I'll see you there in 10 minutes.

I shove my phone back into my pocket and jump off the swing and onto the fake wood.

I start walking to the beach, my heart beating in my chest. I wonder what he could say, the best thing to the worst thing. I panic over all the scenarios I think about until reaching the beach.

I glance around and see Noah sat on a rock. His hand is running through his hair and the wind is messing it up. I exhale and walk to the rock and sit next to him.

It takes a second for him to look at me, when he does a he gives me a small smile. I return it before looking at the floor. I feel my awkward side coming out again.

"How you doing?" Noah asks, his voice is low and barely louder than the waves.

"Good-" I start.

"-I'm sorry I kissed you, I thought we both wanted it and we're thinking the same thing." Noah says suddenly and loudly.

"I did want it. We were both thinking the same thing! It's just been a while and I didn't want you to regret it," I say back, looking at him.

He starts to relax slightly.

"Thankgod. I thought I had ruined it." He smiles softly.

I shake my head and place my hand on his. "You could never although I'm still annoyed you shot me right after." I whisper.

"Would you do it again?" He laughs and leans closer to me, his voice also in a low whisper. "I had to though! I wanted to win, I didn't want to beaten by you! Forgive me."

"Definitely do it again and maybe I could forgive you," I whisper back, moving one of my hands to his jaw and rubbing his cheek with my thumb.

"Good," he whispers against my lips before he softly kisses me again.

Obviously, this time I kiss him back without hesitation and I feel him smile against my lips.His hands moves to my waist as he shuffles towards me, his kiss getting deeper and harder. Slowly, I move my hands to the top of his shirt and pull him closer to me.

He pulls away quickly and looks at me.
"Mei, I know we've only known each other for a week now but would you like to come to mine. My family aren't there," he mumbles against my lips.

"Come to mine. My parents have gone out for the night," I whisper back against his lips before kissing him hard again.

He pulls away to nod before kissing me again. After, he stands up and grabs my hand, he helps me up the stairs from the beach and to my caravan but he doesn't let go of my hand this time.

I push open the caravan door, all the lights are off and Noah walks in behind me. He doesn't bother turning on the lights and starts to kiss me against the door. I wrap my arms around his neck and he grabs onto my legs, pulling me towards him. Our kisses get deeper as he picks me up, pushing me against the hallway walls as I start to undo his shirt.

"Do you want to, Mei?" He whispers between kisses, sitting down on my bed with me straddling him.

I don't say much instead I nod, he smiles brightly at me before kissing me again.

The next couple hours go by in a blink and soon after I'm lying on his bade chest, his arms around me and his hands playing with my hair. I smile up at him before I close my eyes.

"Thankyou for that, Noah." I whisper. "I'm happy my first time was with you," I continue, blushing.

He kisses my forehead softly. "I enjoyed that too, Mei. I should go though. Your parents will be back soon," he whispers back.

"Stay for a bit longer, Noah," I mumble and roll ontop of him. I pin him down and he places his hands on my back.

"Just a little longer then," he whispers and kisses my neck softly.

I giggle softly and wrap my arms around his neck, holding him closer to me. He laughs softly against my neck before wrapping his arms around me tightly.

I love being close to Noah.

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