day 10

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The next day, I wake up and see Noah next to me. I convinced him to stay over last night. His arm is around me and my head still on his chest. I look down at both of our naked bodies, remembering what happened last night I smile to myself.

He wakes up slowly and smiles down at me. I lean up and kiss his cheek softly.
"Thankyou for last night." I laugh. He turns my head to kiss me softly.

"Ready for round two, babe?" He laughs and flips me over. I wrap my arms around his neck as I kiss him softly.
"I thought you'd never ask," I mumble against his soft lips. He starts to kiss my neck softly and pull me closer to him.

After we're done he sits up and starts to change.

"Do you want to go get breakfast?" He asks, and wraps his arms around me tightly from behind as we're both stood up getting changed.

"Sure," I kiss his cheek softly and place my hands on his. "Sneak out the window and knock on the door and I'll act surprised to see you." I say and move away from him. I lean on my bed and pull my window open.

"Are you serious?" He pouts and leans next to me on my bed.

"Yes- go," I laugh. I watch him climb onto the frame.

"I'm stuck, Mei," he frowns and shuffles around the frame. One leg is out and the other is bent onto my bed.

"Brace yourself, Noah."

"What for?"

I push him hard out the window and hear him bang on the grass floor. I lean my head out the window and awkwardly wave. He waves back as he pushes himself off the floor. I lean back and close the window carefully then lying back down on my cold and empty bed.

Not even 5 minutes later theres a knock at the caravan door that travels to my room.

"Mei, your boyfriend is here!" My mum shouts. Excitedly I run to the front room, Noah waves at me again. My parents and Noah are sat around the dining room.

"He's not my boyfriend, mum." I pull a chair out and sit down next to Noah.

"I'm not?" Noah says in a childish voice. I look over at him and he's pouting.

I sigh heavily. "Mum, can me and Noah go get some breakfast?" I glance at my mum who's frowning at me.

"Of course, dear," my dad says before my mum is able to open her mouth. My mum shoots my dad a harsh look. "In fact why don't you two have dinner here today, with us?"

"We'd love to," Noah says, I force a smile.

After, I stand up and leave the caravan, Noah following close behind me.

"Noah, you know I can't be your girlfriend. We have 4 days left and it'll hurt more if we're dating." I frown as I instinctively start to hold his hand as we're leaving the caravan.

"Baby, I'm not saying for you to be my girlfriend, I just want to act like a relationship for the rest of our time." He yanks my hand so I'm closer to him, he then let's go of it and wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"Baby?" I ask, looking up at him.

"Yeah, because your mine." He puts his arms around me and spins me around the air.

"Yours," I whisper, pushing my forehead against his.

"Mei Bella Li, be my girlfirend for 4 days," he whispers against my lips.

"I'd be honoured," I close the gap between our lips as I softly kiss him. Suddenly, I don't care about the awkward side of me and worrying of people looking at me.

His arms tighten around me as he kisses me back. A few moments later, he places me down and wraps his arms around me again. Together, we walk to the small cafe and order a breakfast. We talk all the way through our breakfast, laughing loudly and holding hands.

After, we walk together to the beach as we have time to kill before our dinner. We sit on a rock together, his hand rubbing my thigh slowly and his other arm around me. I place my head on his chest and close my eyes. His arm tightens around me.

"Wanna have sex?" He whispers and moves his hand from my thigh to move a stand of hair behind my ear.

"What?" I quickly move my eyes to look at him.

"Do you want to have sex?" He whispers again and twirls a piece of my hair around his index finger.

"We've had sex before, Noah." I mumble and place my head on his chest again. "You took my virginity, remember?"

"I could never forget that, Mei. But I mean let's do it again. You enjoyed it, right?"

"Yeah, I really enjoyed it." I arch my head to look at him and he kisses my lips softly.

"So let's do it again in that cave," he motions towards a cave and lifts me up. I laugh softly and grip onto him.

"Isn't that wrong?" I say in a soft voice.

"I'm just making the most of our holiday, baby." He places me down on a tall rock and quickly starts to kiss me hard. His hands rush down to my waistband and pull my pants down, suddenly he's on his knees in front of me and between my legs.

Soon we finish our weird adventure and we quickly clean ourselves up and start to walk back to my caravan.

By the time we're back my parents have laid out the food and set the table. Me and Noah sit down next to each other, his hand grazing over my knee under the table. I shoot him at him and he shrugs. 

"It's great to meet the boy who's been taking up Mei's attention," my dad says and sits down at the table.

"Her boyfriend," my mum suddenly says loudly and sits next to my dad.

"Yes mum, your meeting my boyfriend," I look over at Noah who's smiling brightly at me.

"I knew it!" My mum loudly says.

"Dear, calm down," my dad laughs and hands her a glass of water.

"I'm treating her very well, miss," he smiles at my mum.

"That means sex!" She says loudly.

"Sweetheart!" My dad says and shoots a harsh look towards my mum who's almost growling.

Noah's stifling a laugh as I blush hard.

"I'm being an excellent boyfriend and that does not include all that..." Noah says confidently, taking a sip of water.

"An excellent boyfriend," I say after him, our eyes meeting.

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