day 7

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"How was your date, Mei?" My dad prys as we eat breakfast as a family. My mum looks up at me, her eyebrows furrowed as she aggressively eat coco pops.

I try to contain my laughter. "As a date, awful because it wasn't a date! But as friends, amazing. I have muscles and Pepsi Max,"

"The elite drink, Pepsi Max. Nice," my dad laughs. "Are you seeing him today?"

"Again?! They've already had one date everyday-"

"-Yes, mum I'll be seeing him today, again. You two are having a date anyway so I thought I'd go on a sort of date too." I interrupt my mum. She tuts and shakes her head.

"What are you doing today, sweetie?" My dad asks, a sweet smile plastered on his face.

"Fair ground. It's small but he hasn't been before so I said I'd take him, we're going at 8 so its dark. Is that okay?" I glance between my parents, but they look at each other instead.

"8 is late..." My mum mumbles, "what time will you be back?"

"I was hoping 11-" I start to be interrupted by my mum.

"No way! That's way too late! You could be kidnapped!"

"Dear, she's 17 and on holiday at a really safe resort, she's old enough. The streets are well lit," My dad places her hand on his and smiles. Mum smiles at dad, looking at peace. She nods and looks at me.

"No later than 11, Mei. We trust you."

I smile at my mum, really excited to see Noah again suddenly. "I'll still spend time with my family, I'm not seeing him until 8," I smile at them both.
"Should we go to the cafe then the beach?" My dad smiles, causing me and my mum to nod.

Me and my family spend time doing all of that. We have fun and get closer as we spend more time together, although I think of Noah for the most part. By 7, we've eaten dinner and are back at home. Today, I let my mum pick what I should wear.

I sit on my bed, scrolling through Instagram as my mum looks for something "appropriate" to wear tonight.

After some time, she decides on a dress that stops below my knees. I take a look at it as I stare at myself in the mirror. It's a dark red plain dress with pockets. My mum helps me comb my black hair to what I'm used to, and she helps me apply my makeup. I wear the usual black mascara and change things up with red lipstick that matches my dress.

My short mum stands behind me, kisses my cheek softly and smiles. "My beautiful, daughter." I turn around and thank her for helping me.

We walk out the main room together and I hear Noah's voice. I look at him confused as he smiles at me.
"I was introducing myself properly," he laughs and looks at me. I smile slightly at him being a gentleman.

"You two should get on your way, me and Mei's mum have a dinner reservation, 11- don't be late," he looks at his both sternly.

"Of course sir, no later than 11." Noah smiles and grabs my hand, pulling me out the caravan.

"Enjoy your date!" I hear my dad shout from the door.

Noah pulls me as we run for a while. We stop on the outskirts of the fairground. He breathes heavily and we look around at all the brightcolours. The loud music can be heard from across the fence and the lights create a huge set of colours to shine over us.

"Before we go in, I have something to ask," he smiles as he let's go of my hands. I feel my stomach drop.

"What is it?" I question.

"Since your parents are desperate for this to be a date, I think we should act like it is. If your lucky I'll even kiss you goodnight," he winks and smiles flirtatiously at me.

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