day 6

44 6 4

"It sounds like a date, Mei," my mum says as she hands me my orange juice.

"Usually I'd disagree with your mum and saying she's being protective but it does sound like a date, Mei," my dad smiles as he hands my mum a towel. 

"He's just a friend, mum, I promise. I know you care but it'll be fine. I'll be back for 10,"

"10!" My mum says shocked, turning around to face me.

"It's her first date, dear, let her stay out slightly later. What time is he picking you up?" My dad asks, turning to face me too.

"It's not a date and 6. In an hour," I smile, not realising how excited my face looks. "I need to go get ready," I smile to my parents and turn around on my heel. I quickly run through the small hallway and to my small bedroom.

I search through my folded clothes for something nice, I really wanted to make a good impression for my "date."

As soon as I get into my room I play some music phone my phone: Try Everything by Shakira. The perfect song to make anyone excited and determined.

After some time, I decide on a knee-length black dress with blue stars, the long sleeves of it cling to my arms, after I tie the small black belt around my waist. I pick up my comb, and start singing into it, jumping around my room excitedly, like a child would. I comb my waves out of my hair in gaps of singing. After I get tired, I jump off the bed, causing a banging noise and start applying my makeup. I put on some mascara before covering my eyes with my glasses, then finally my pale pink lipstick.

I stand in front of the mirror, swishing my dress and turning around slightly. I smile to myself before picking up my phone: shit, 5:50PM.

I walk to the main area quickly.
"My favourite child all ready for her first date!" My dad rushes over to me and wraps his arms around me, picking me up slightly.

"It's not a date, dad!" I laugh and hug him back. "I have to go, dad," I smile and open the door to see Noah awkwardly standing there, awkwardly.

I smile at Noah and quickly close the caravan door.

"Enjoy your date!" I hear my dad shout from inside the caravan, quickly I slam the door shut. I glance over at Noah and he's staring down awkwardly.

"It's not a date, is it?" He asks, rubbing the back of his neck as he looks down.

"No, it's not," I laugh as we start walking to the only restaurant. "Just friends, Noah."

Being able to look at him now, his hair is curly over his green eyes, he's wearing a loose navy shirt and some black pants and he's holding his hoodie in his empty hand.

He smiles at me as we walk, it was summer so the light still shined down on us. We talk small talk on the way to the restaurant.

"You look cute today, Mei." He whispers suddenly as we reach the restaurant together.

"Your complimenting me..? You don't look too bad either.." I mumble, trying not to blush too bad.

We sit down together at a table near the window. I look over at the clear ocean; it resembles something close to the Western Australia beaches, I had never been lucky enough to go there but Noah told me all about it and I can't wait to be able to go myself.

I awkwardly look down as the waitress comes over and places menus on the table. I open the menu and start reading over the food. The menu has a leather red casing and fancy, italic and almost illegible reading. I look up at him and he's also struggling to read it.

"I can't read this Mei, it's too twirly," he laughs, moving the menu around. I laugh at his dumbfounded look. "Can you? Your the English one," he sighs placing the menu down.

I shake my head quickly, "I assume there's Pepsi Max so obviously I'm having that but all I can manage to read is some seafood so I guess we'll pick some seafood to eat...luckily I love muscles. "

"Seafood, huh? I prefer burgers and they have a page for burgers...which is way too many burgers for one restaurant," he mutters.

A few moments later a waitress comes over and asks for our order, I look over to Noah who gets my hint to order for me.

Noah orders for me, in the end the order is a coke, Pepsi Max, muscles and a cheese burger.

"Coke remains superior." He winks at me and looks out the window again. The sun shines on his pale face, his green eyes becoming brighter as his smile gets wider. "How have I never been here before?" He whispers. "Question time, Mei," he lightly slaps the table like a stereotypical British person.

"Go for it," I smile as the waitress places our drinks on the table with straws, I take a quick sip from my drink.

"What are your fears?"

"The most common fear I have is heights and sharks, the weirdest one I have is the Tangled film," I say as he drinks.

Suddenly he snorts on his drink and coughs slightly. "Tangled film? The one with the long hair and all the singing?" He laughs loudly.

"Yes! It's about kidnapping and the woman dies and its terrifying- she literally turns into ash!" I say, loudly. "What are your fears?"

"That's a dumb fear, it's a beautiful film with all the lanterns and singing..." he whispers and looks up at me with wide eyes.

I laugh softly, "It is a beautiful film, it's just scary but maybe I'll steal the lantern theme for my wedding."

"Hey! That's my idea!"

"Too bad, it's mine now." I stick my tongue out at him.

"Guess you'll have to marry me," he says, looking into my eyes. For a moment, I'm lost in his eyes.
"Shocked by what I said, Mei?" He whispers, his voice low and calm.

I snap myself out of it and look at the table, "N-No, why would I even want to marry you? You're too confident sometimes," I stutter, clearly nervous.  "Tell me about your fears."

"Horses." He shrugs.

"You made fun of my fear of Tangled when your scared of horses?" I raise my eyebrows and laugh.

"Tangled isn't real, horses are really common," he whines, causing me to laugh even more. I take a sip from my glass and he continues to talk to me about all sorts until we finish our meal. Obviously we split the final check which took a lot of work to convince him to let me.

As we're finishing, I look at the clock only 8:30PM. I glance one final time out the window and the sun is starting to set over the beautiful sea.

"Wanna go to the beach?" I ask him, as I wrap my arm around his for support. I look up at him and he nods.

"You do it automatically now?"

I smile and nod, we start walking down the route to the beach. I hold his arm tightly as he assists me down slowly. We go straight to our favourite rock because luckily the sea is going out.

Instead of sitting far away from me, he moves closer to me. "You look cold," he mumbles.

"I'm not."

"You are."

He wraps his hoodie around my shoulders and smiles to himself.

"Is this your excuse to be a gentleman?" 

He laughs softly and wraps his arm around my shoulder, pulling me to lean on him. He turns his voice to a low whisper, "no, this is." His thumb rubs my shoulder slowly as we sit listening to the waves move. I close my eyes and feel his head lean onto mine.

I want to stay like this forever, with Noah.

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