day 14

42 4 3

I move my eyes to the clock, 1PM. I sit down on the edge of my bed, my head in my hands. We've already eaten and they're outside filling the car. Luckily, the storm had stopped and my final day was sunny.

I see Noah for the last time in half an hour and my heart is breaking at the thought. I weakly push myself up from the bed, a few tears running down my face as I do.

"Mei!" My mums thick Chinese accent calls me. "Bring your suitcase, we need to pack the car."

I walk to to my suitcase, noticing my hands are shaking. I pull my backpack on and drag my suitcase outside the room. I take one last look around, my eyes lingering on the bed I lost my virginity in and the window Noah fell out of. I wipe the tears away from my face with the back of my hand and walk out the door, closing it behind me.

I walk out the caravan and hand my suitcase to my dad who shoves it into the trunk of the car. He slams it down behind me and takes my small bag off me. He doesn't look at me for too long after noticing how sad I am. He places the bag in the backseat of the car.

"Me and your mum are going to go on a final quick walk to the beach and returning the key. Are you joining us?" My dad smiles at me.

"I have to say bye to Noah soon, I'll meet you back here at 2."

My dad smiles and nods and for once my mother doesn't make a comment about our relationship. She links her arm with my dad and they walk off together after locking the caravan for the final time. I sit down on the small step and wait.

I feel like I'm waiting for hours when in reality I know it's about 20 minutes. I lean against the cold door as I stare blankly to the distance. I only look up when I hear Noah's loud running towards me and Lucas's small pitter-patter on the ground behind him.

"Mei!" Lucas screams as his arms immediately wrap around me. I wrap my arms around him too. His face is all red from running.

"Noah says you're going away, are you?" His voice is soft and worried.

"I'm going home today, Lucas." I smile at him.

"Will I see you again?" He says, his eyes wide.

I glance over at Noah who shrugs at me. "Maybe." I smile. He starts to hug me again until Noah pulls him off me.

"I'm gonna miss you Mei!" Lucas says, sniffiling.

"Buddy, why don't you show her what you made for her" Noah whispers down to Lucas, nudging him slightly.

"Oh yes!" Lucas laughs and claws at Noah's bag until he takes it off and gives it to him. He searches through it for a few seconds before running over to me with some orange card.

I glance down at the card and it's a stick figure drawing of us three under the umbrella. I smile and give him another hug and he hugs me tighter then ever.

"Lucas, could you give us a moment? Go play over there." Noah asks, squatting down next to us. Lucas looks between us and nods before skipping to the sand pit.

Noah sits next to me, searching through his bag for something. I stare at him as he does, neither of us talking until he pulls out a box and a piece of paper.

"Two things. Here's a photo of us, I have one too. I went to the shop to get it printed out properly." He hands me the photo of us from the night at the club, the date is scribbled in the corner. I smile to myself and place it ontop of the card from Lucas. 

"Thankyou. I'll keep it forever." I smile and bite my bottom lip.

"Thing two." He hands me the small box after opening it. I look down at the silver necklace. It's a small plain heart. "It isn't much but the gift shop doesn't offer a lot," he whispers, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"It's perfect," I say, my voice shaking as I hold back tears. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him into a big hug. After pulling away, I smile and he helps me put it on.

"I have something for you too." I put my hand into my hoodie pocket and slide out my own small box. "I was going to get you a ring but instead I got you a friendship type bracelet because I've never seen you wearing jewellery." I open the box. "It's like a promise ring but not for our relationship but a promise that one day you'll find love."

"Thankyou." He smiles at me and takes the box off me, sliding it into his pocket.

"I also have your hoodie." I laugh and place it on his lap. As I place it down, I notice his background is now Your Name I smile to myself, knowing he loved the film as much as I do.

"Keep it so your warm when it rains." I smile and take the grey hoodie off him again, placing it down on the floor too. "I know how cold you get," he continues. 

I nod and he wraps his arms around me.
"I'll miss you," I whisper. He turns his head to look at me, kissing me softly on the forehead. His eyes are full of tears and my heart aches at the sight. I feel my own eyes fill with tears too.

"I'll miss you too, Mei. I love you so much." He whispers through tears.

"I love you too," I whisper back, tears starting to stream down my face. He pulls me closer to him and showers my face in kisses.

"This hurts so much," he whispers. I move away from his tight embrace and look at the tears running down his face. I move my hand to his cheek and wipe his tears away.

"I know baby. I don't want to leave you."  I whisper, my forehead pushing against his.

"I'll never forget you. I'm going to love you forever." He whispers back.

I smile and kiss him softly once more.
"I'll love you until the day I die." I say.

He wipes his own tears away quickly. I copy after him and wipe the tears that are streaming down my face away.

I glance over and see my parents heading back. Noah smiles a sad smile at me and stands up.

"Goodbye, Mei." He whispers, his hands dropping from around me.

"Goodbye, Noah." I say back.

"You ready to go?" My dad says, I glance to Noah and he nods at me. I nod at my dad as they climb into the car. I wait until they're in the car before giving Noah one final kiss, a kiss which breaks my heart to do. His hands are tight around me so I know it's breaking his heart too.

I smile at Noah one last time before I run to the car and climb in the back seat. As my dad starts the car, I turn my head to look out the back window to see Lucas jumping up and down and waving and Noah awkwardly waving too. The car starts and soon they're out of sight. I blink my tears away and try to ignore the pain lingering in my chest. I rest my head against the cold window and watch the trees glide past as the best holiday ever comes to an end.

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