day 13

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The rain unfortunately continues. It's lighter today though and the storms nearly over. I turn my head to the side and see Noah, peacefully sleeping next to me. I move my eyes around his room, it's a lot more messy than mine. My head rests on his chest as I stare out the small window, watching the rain droplets race each other.

I sigh as I start to nudge his side in an effort to wake him up. I hear him groan a few times as he pushes me away and turns on his side.

"Noah, it's 3pm, wake up from your nap." I say, pushing him hard. He turns around and faces me, eventually.

"What?" He says, his voice tired.

"Get up. Someone just got back to your caravan." I continue to push and nudge him. 

He sits up suddenly, looking around.
"Fuck my whole family are here." He groans again, putting his hand against his face. I sit up next to him and look at him.

"Want me to sneak out the window?" I whisper and glance out at the light rain.

"No, no of course not. Guess you're meeting my family." He shrugs, half laughing.

"No, I insist, I can go out the window."

"It'll be fine, Mei." He smiles softly at me before kissing me softly. "I love you."

"Yeah, yeah. I love you too," I mumble and kiss his forehead.

He laughs softly, standing up and pulling me up too.

"Then what should we do?" I look at him. "It's our last full day so.."

"So we're going to the beach, where we met."

I smile. He smiles back.

"I'd love that," I say back. He gives me one last hug before pulling me out the comfortable bedroom and too the full living area.

As we walk in, all eyes go to us.

"Mei!" Lucas's tiny voice screams, I don't even have time to process it all before I feel his tiny arms around me. I smile and awkwardly hug him back.
"Lift me up!" He laughs. I glance over at Noah who's stifling a laugh. Slowly, I lean down and pick him up, being very small made this very hard to do and to keep him there. He clings onto me for support.

"Daddy! This is Noah's girlfriend." He laughs.

"Yeah, this is Mei." Noah smiles.

I watch as the man dressed in a flowery shirt and loose shorts walks towards me. He's got a small smile on his face but harsh eyes.

"Hello, sir." I smile at him, bowing my head slightly.

"You two are dating?" Another voice perks up, I look at the older brother who's sat on his phone; his wavy hair covers most of his face.

"Yeah, but we break up tomorrow. It was just a short thing." Noah says, we hold eye contact for a moment before being pulled back to reality.

"Oh." His older brother says.

"This is surprising for you-"

"Dad. Not now." Noah interrupts him, I glance at Noah and he gestures to drop it. I nod and place Lucas back down.

"I just wanted to introduce her to you all, we're going on a walk now." Noah walks past them and to the door, slowly I follow him.

"It was a pleasure to meet you." I smile at them all.

"Yes, you too." His dad says, his older brother nods.

"Bye Mei!" Lucas screeches. I wave.

As soon as were out the door, Noah looks at me and smiles a big smile.
"You did so good!"

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