Chapter 10

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" the one who killed your mom is Doflamingo.  He is a very dangerous assassin. He somehow made it seem like it was me who killed your mom, even though I'd never, ever do something like that. I was a criminal, or more precisely and assassin, but I never killed innocent people. I killed the ones who were already criminals, and got paid for that by some certain people. However, I never placed a single finger on innocent people. Still, those innocent people said that I'm a devil. and like I'm the devil himself. Now, if you wanna listen to how me and your mom and the rest of my friends met, keep on listening. I'll stop talking for about 15 seconds so I'll give you time to choose. But if you don't, then just take off the cassette and do whatever you want with it. But before that, I really wished that I was with my son and the love of my life and saw you growing up." Then it stopped. I looked at Ace, he didn't stop it. I smiled.

" so you believe him?" He looked at me " well, I think that he isn't lying" then 15 seconds passed.

" Heh, so you believe me? I'm happy that you do. I didn't want my only child to hate me. Anyways, I was once walking with my friend Rayleigh, the one I kept this cassette and other stuff with, down an alley. There, we heard beating and glass getting broken. So me and Rayleigh ran to where the sound came from. It was from an apartment. We kicked the front door, and saw a guy beating up a beautiful woman."Ace stopped it again.

"dad had a love story? I didn't expect that."

" Okay, listen now." I then played it.

" so I punched the man and he fell unconscious. I looked at the lady, then told the lady to come with us. She had bruises all over there body. I never knew why, but I had we took her to our home, and helped her out. Our home wasn't fancy, it was more like a hideout. She was thankful. It was the first time I felt like that, a warm feeling. The way she smiled, I just couldn't help but fall for her smile and pretty eyes. I had nightstands, but she was the only lady I felt like that for. I told her then that I don't want her to stay with us, that I don't wanna end up watching out for my targets and looking after a lady. At that time, I was 22 and she was 18. I was blunt to her. I told her that I'm roger, I killed many people, but she just looked at me and smiled. The truth is, my father, forced me to help him out with killing his targets ever since I was 15. At the age of 18, I decided to move alone and work independently. My father killed rich and poor, everyone. I didn't wanna be just like him, someone who has the will to kill anyone."

Ace looked like he was thinking. I had no idea what was he thinking of.

" She then told me that she knew who I am right after we saved her, but that she didn't care about my occupation and about my father's history. She just said that what she cares about is that I saved her life. We got close, really close. We always spent time with each other, she was one of the people that I had my best memories with. This beautiful and amazing lady is your mom, Rouge. 6 years later, we got married secretly, and after about 3 years, we had you. I left you other stuff in that box so please see them. And be careful from doflamingo. I should go now, so I really wish you a happy life. But me and your mom have some requests for you. 1, don't be blunt or mean, be nice. 2, don't choose my path, choose your own. And I hope that your own path isn't as horrible as mine. 3, love someone like how much I love your mom, and don't let any girl break your heart, okay? The girl you'll love will be a girl that will accept you no matter what, and she'll not care about who your father is and what were your sins, who'll forgive you no matter what: And if you find a woman or a lady with those descriptions, hold onto her and never lose her. Also, never choose a woman only for her looks, but if she is pretty and accepted you, like how your mom did. 4, never be too reckless, And try seeking help from other people. If it was the girl you love, a good friend, or anyone you can trust. And the last thing, live your life to the fullest." After that, we heard a sound of something getting slammed on the floor and the audio stopped.

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