Chapter 1

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Y/n's POV

Finally, we reached our new home. Well, this apartment is bigger than the one we had before, and this city is bigger than the one I lived in before. But, I need to stay positive, and put a smile on my face.

" y/n, can you help me with putting the stuff in their right place?" Dad was calling me, dad is the nicest person anyone would ever meet, he's very understanding, very caring and tries to be like both a mom and a dad to me after the death of my mom.

" sure, lemme just put my clothes in my closet and clean my new room then I'll be right there"

Time-skip after 30 mins

Phew, I'm finally done with cleaning my room, it was very dirty. I'll go help my dad and then take a shower.

"Soooo dad, I'm here." I peaked into the room and saw him sitting on a chair, seeming exhausted.

"Finally, I thought you slept or something"

" haha, very funny. And no, I was cleaning my room plus it was very dirty. I wonder when was this apartment rented the last time?" Me and my dad joke a lot, becausewe both like joking around and pranks.

" well, as you can see, this apartment is pretty old, and I heard that the ones that lived here before us somehow died in this apartment, so it might be a little bit messy. And if I ever stayed working overtime don't worry, you'll have their company."


"I'm just kidding. The house isn't haunted, or maybe it is? I don't know."

" anyways, can we go to Mc Donald's after we're done?"

" sure, but just don't drool over the hamburger, okay?"

" Dad I'm not a dog, and I never did that." I cannot believe that dad can sometimes be that mean to me, but I'm used to it anyways.


We ate from mc Donald's, and after we went back home, I took a walk around the city I'll be living in from now on.I made sure that I did not walk far from my new home, so I don't get lost.

I was listening to music while walking in the direction of the park near my house, and while I'm in my deep thoughts, I bump into someone and we both fell down.

"Ouch" we both said in the same time and my earphones fall out of my ear.

" My bad, I should've watched where I was going" a tall boy, apparently the one I bumped into, with black hair and freckles, told me.

" Ah, is fine, me too, I should've watched where I'm going." I answered. He has a dog with him, so, me being the person that loves animals and especially dogs ( sorry to the ones who prefer other animals, if you want, change it to the animal you want), started playing with it. 

"You you like dogs, right? "he said with a smile. He's cute, no hot. I admit.

" Yup, I love them, and I always wished to have one, but my dad is allergic to animals"

" Oh. I live here and I've never seen you around. Are you new?"

" yeah, we came here today in the morning."

" I see. which school are you gonna attend?" The boy asked

" Grand line high" His eyes widened

" Really?! I go there too" well, I guess meeting this boy wasn't just a coincidence.

" I'm y/n by the way. And what's your name?"

" I'm Ace. Which year are you in?" Ace asked me.

"I'm a Sophomore, you?"

" Oh, I'm a Junior, but well, we might meet sometime at school." He seems nice.

" yeah. I have to go so bye!"

" bye" and by that we parted our ways. But why do I feel like we'll be friends, or maybe... Nooooo, I still love Alex, and I still don't know this boy, so well, lemme keep things how they are for now and later, who knows what's gonna happen.

Ace's POV

Y/n huh? she seems like a nice person, she's pretty too, wait WHAT AM I SAYING? I can't fall for someone I just met!! I'm blushing right now and my heart is beating fast. I don't know why but I feel like this girl is different from the fangirls at school.

I need to stop myself from blushing or else my brothers, especially that jerk, will think that I have a crush or something like that. Well, I think that y/n is pretty but, I cannot fall for someone I only talked to for 5 mins or less. I wish that we meet tomorrow at school though, and wish that we become friends.

*Back at home*

3rd person POV

I put my dog back in its tiny house and entered my apartment.

" Yo Ace. Finally you're back! Help me! Luffy stole meat from my plate and is trying to steal the rice too! ... Ace? " 'What's wrong with him? I never saw him deep in his thoughts, maybe he got in a fight or, maybe it's a girl? Finally there's something to tease him about' Sabo thought to himself. 

"Luffy!!! Gimme back my food! Can't I eat peacefully for once??!!" Ace went and made noodles, and while he was eating it, deep in his thoughts, he saw the noodles disappear from his plate

" what the- Luffy!! You ate both your and Sabo's meal, and now mine? What kind of stomach do you have??" And that's how Ace forgot y/n for a while and tried to get back his noodles from Luffy. Sabo sat there disappointed that he thought that Ace was thinking about a girl.

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