Chapter 16

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Luffy's POV

I'm hungry, but the problem is that, no one is there to cook for me food. I looked around, but both sabo and Ace were asleep. But well, it's 8 a.m. I stood up and looked through the window. It looked like it was snowing last night, because there was about 15 cm of snow.

I took a shower and went to the kitchen, my eyes landed on the fridge. I immediately rushed and looked in it, only to be disappointed.

' Hmm, nothing interesting to eat.' I thought to myself. Then,  I saw one pack of instant ramen on the kitchen counter so I took it and added some water to it then ate it. I was still hungry, but at least I ate something.

Right after I finished eating, Sabo showed up.

" Hey" he greeted and poured himself a glass of milk.

" hiya!" I looked at him, and he looked quite sleepy. His hair was wet, obviously because he took a shower.

"Why are you up early? That's nothing like you" sabo said and sat down on a chair.

" I guess I'm excited to hang out today."

" but when we're done, we'll train for the song" why is he in such a hurry? We can train anytime!

"But I don't want to" he gave me the ' are you serious' look

" wasn't it your and Ace's idea?" I sighed in defeat

" Alright alright, we'll train. Anyways, when are we gonna hang out?"

" Maybe at 1 p.m. Wanna play some video games?"

"Nope, I wanna eat." He groaned but made me an omelette.


"Let's gooo!!!" I screamed on our way on the stairs. We entered the car, sabo was driving, while Ace sat beside me.

' think if I tried driving the car? This would be so cool! All I have to do is to know how to steer the wheel and when to hit the break, it's just a piece of cake! I wonder why Ace and sabo made a big fuss because of it?' I thought to myself. Ace noticed me laughing and raised one of his eyebrows.

" what's so funny?" He asked.

" Nothing!" He didn't look convinced, but brushed it off. I'll ask y/n if she'll try driving the car with me. It's not like imma allow her to, but it'll be fun.

"Why did we have to leave at 12.15 p.m? We might not be able to see y/n and tell her to come with us." Ace asked, annoyance is clear in his voice.

" we're picking up koala, so calm down." He groaned. Why is he in such a bad mood?

"Hi....yeah I'm here you can come out." Then he hanged up a few minutes later, koala showed up."

hi sabo! hey there you two!"


" hi"

There's something bugging Ace, but I can't really put my hand on it. I wonder what's wrong. Sabo stopped the car in the parking of our house, and we waited for y/n.

"It's still 12. 20, we'll have to wait for 10 more minutes to go, so we be able to be there at 1 p.m" Sabo and koala were talking about some random stuff I couldn't understand, and Ace was clearly bored.

" you know what, I'll go by bus." Then he left.

"Did something happen?" Koala asked

"I don't know. He was grumpy right after he woke up. I mean, he's always grumpy when he wakes up, but not for 2 hours."

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