Chapter 12

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Third person's POV

They walked to the park.

" This park is the one when we first met." Y/n said.

" yeah"

" you know what, he'll never confess to koala like that. I'll go help him" Ace thought of what y/n said till he got what she meant.

"Sabo! Koala!" Y/n ran to them and put on an innocent smile. Ace went to them too.

" Oh hi y/n and Ace!" Koala said. Sabo just frowned. He had a feeling that those two are on some business here because showing up in this specific place is not a coincidence, and it's true.

" So what are you guys doing here?" Sabo gave Ace a death glare.
'If looks could kill, I'd be dead by now.' Ace thought to himself

" C'mon! Just confess already. We all know that you do like each other!" Ace said. Both of them turned red.

"W-what d-do you m-mean?" The blond asked while stammering.

"Sabo! If you don't confess right now, I promise that I'll do something you don't like. Choose wisely." Sabo swallowed his own spit. He knew that his friend wasn't joking, and that if she wants to do something, she'll do it, no matter how many times you tell her not to, so he asked y/n to talk to her alone.

" What is it?" He looked at her desperately.

" y/n, I'm not ready for rejection." The girl sighed.

" You don't have to worry, she does like you. Just go there, tell her that you like h-" sabo then cut her off

" love her"

" whatever, but you've known each other from elementary, so come on! you should confess! " she pointed at where koala was standing. Ace was there smirking while Koala turned fifty shades of red.

" Okay, but I want to confess to her alone, so can you and Ace please leave? Sorry I don't mean it in a rude way" She then looked at him with an ' are you really gonna do it' look for a couple of seconds, then said

" Sure, we'll give you time to have some privacy with her" he then blushed.

" But you better confess. So I'm telling you, this is your last chance before I step in. If you wouldn't take the risk and confess now,  one day, she'll move on and find someo-" he cut her of again

" Okay okay, I'll go confess" she smiled

" Now go!"

Sabo went to Koala. Little did they know that y/n and Ace hid behind some trees and eavesdropping .

" Koala, I want to tell you something." Sabo said. He looked very serious. The orangette gasped.

" Is everything okay?" She asked worriedly.

" I-I've liked-  no loved you for a pretty long time, no, ever since we met. You've always made me happy, you really mean a lot to me, but if you don't like me back, can we still be friends?" She smiled warmly at him.

" of course I do! In fact, I've loved you for a pretty long time too, I was just afraid that you don't feel the same way toward me, and that I'll lose you at least as a friend. but trust me, I love you too." Then the two kissed. Ace and y/n giggled, especially after he asked her to be his girlfriend. Ace took some pics to save them for the teasing later.

Ace's POV

FINALLY!!!! I'm sooooooo happy for the two. I've shipped them ever since they met each other. But for now, I think it's better to give them some space. But he isn't spared from the teasing.

" y/n, want me to walk you home?" She nodded her head

" sure"

We walked in her house's direction, but then y/n bumped into a guy. He had raven hair, tanned skin, wore a hat and a navy blue jacket. He had piercings on his ear, and eye bags under his eyes. He looked like he's in his twenties.

" I guess we always have to meet like that, y/n-ya" the guy said.

' How does he know y/n? Plus, what does he mean by we always have to meet like that?'

I thought for a sec. when he said that, y/n's eyes widened and immediately looked at the guy

" y/n, are you alright?" I asked.

" yeah"  She then looked at the guy

" Is that you, Law?!" Y/n Said surprised.

" the one and only." He said with a smirk. Y/n hugged him, and that made my blood boil.

" Oh, I almost forgot, Ace this is Law, Law this is Ace" he smiled at me.

" Nice to meet you Ace." He said and held out his hand for a handshake. I shaked his hand, trying my best not to break it. He smirked at me too

" Well, it was nice to meet both of you. And I work in this cafeteria , so feel free to come over at anytime." He said and left.

" Y/n, who's he? And why does he call you y/n-ya?" I asked her. She smiled at me.

" this is Law. He's twenty years old, and he's the boy that I went over to his place when my mom died. He was one of the people who really supported me, and always treated me like his little sis. And he likes to add ya to the end of his friends' name." She said.

So this means that she isn't interested in him, good.  At that moment, I realized that my feelings for y/n grew more, which means that I'll need a lot more  time to move on.

" I see." Then we reached to y/n's house.

" So I guess I'll see you tomorrow." I said.

" yeah bye, and it was fun at your place!" Y/n said excitedly.

" yeah, it was. Anyways bye." Then I waved at her and saw her going inside the building and vanishing out of my sight.

' why can't I move on? It's pretty clear that she doesn't even like me. I mean, she still likes her ex- boyfriend, and now there's this Law guy. Why would she love me anyway?  Ughh why is love like that!!! It just makes life harder!'

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