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 ═════════════╗CHAPTER ONE,

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hold the line
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IT WAS 1986. The graduation ceremony being held at the public university in Los Angeles now making it's closing proceedings and the slow exit of students from the stadium now began. Still wearing her sunglasses, half asleep from the length of speeches and wondering if the supposed limit each had even existed, one of the students couldn't help to find herself up and out of her seat. Just beside her, her roommate would nearly kick her out of the folding chair, already itching to get out herself. "You don't have time to mope about your lack of a stable income now. You're stuck with the degree regardless," She teased, fixing her cap again as it had moved when stepping out of her own seat, "Besides we still got that internship to look forward to."

"Forgive me for not being excited to spend a year networking and doing the jobs no one else wants to do. . ." Settling on the realization she looked up to her friend, now confused by her change in demeanor. Taking off her sunglasses she clutched her shoulders to share her moment. "Oh we're getting to the good parts now then aren't we."

Shrugging, debating whether learning about lighting and editing again in a professional setting would be any better than when they had learned it in the classroom, she didn't want to damper her changed perspective. "That's right. Enough of the background work, it's all big productions from here on out." Laughing in agreement she swung an arm around her friend leaving the two girls to exit out with the rest of the student body and attempt to enjoy the rest of what was in store for them now.


PACKING AWAY the last of the boxes still at the apartments at the university, Angie looked around the bare walls for a moment. There were memories here, not just because of the cliché but also in the literal sense as the walls were permanently marked from their lack of attention when decorating. Alya huffed out of breath behind her to have Angie turn back to see her looking particularly frustrated over simply standing around reminiscing. "Shouldn't have kept you as a roommate," She told her, seeing as she was one of the thirty including Angie who would be at the same internship together.

Angie laughed. "You already knew this about me, I don't see why you stuck around. Besides, better to live with someone you know in L.A. don't you think?"

"You're right, I'm a complete idiot." Rolling her eyes over the sarcasm, she followed Amber down with the rest of their things to be moved into the U-Haul.

The short distance between the university and the new apartment felt like a blink and you were there scenario. Considering how congested LA was as a city, it was hard to not be close to something. Whether it was the university to the apartment or the apartment to their soon to be internship at Universal Pictures. Most of everything was a jump away from the other, leaving the girls with some sense of familiarity despite the jump they both were now making.

Dropping their boxes on the shaggy carpeting, Angie soon regretted her rationale on this being anything close to proper. Her case being proven when noticing from their last visit there was mold in the corner of the room, immediately crying to herself if there were also home improvements that neither of them would be able to afford on their budget. The only reason they both settled on the place was both for the distance to the internship and how cheap the rent was when split between them. "Home sweet home." Alya walked past her to place a blanket from one of the boxes onto the floor nonchalantly. "I'll see you in the morning."

Angie stood there in the bare space, looking around to the very little room there was for the two of them, and found it hard to not feel so cramped. It was unpleasant at best, but, considering this was the best they could do, Angie had to make light of it. Grabbing the keys, she headed out to the city while Alya continued to nap. The hub of Hollywood Boulevard wasn't so far of a walk from the apartments as Angie continued to breeze past the tourist attractions she had grown accustomed to.

Having spent some time here on the brief occasion she wasn't so preoccupied at the university, there wasn't a spot that hadn't been overrun with tourists by now that she knew of. Standing before the Grauman's Theatre, she looked up to the building to feel rather small in comparison- obviously.

Her mother loved films, practically raising her by this same love. The two of them would go to the local theatre every weekend to see anything new that had come out. Even a foreign film if they were playing on that week, often times being the only ones in the theatre other than the pretentious filmgoers watching purely for critique. 'Course when her younger siblings were born and the family of 3 soon quickly became a family of 6 before she was even 10, there wasn't much time for the little things anymore.

The one thing that remained even when she fit older was when the family would take a trip up from the bay to Los Angeles, making it a point to go to Universal Studios. It was here being in a staged backlot no less that Angie got her first knowledge of filmmaking, the tour being the highlight of their trip always; especially on the rare chance they were filming on set. To the point of practically memorizing any given fact about the place it always felt natural for her to be there.

Reminding herself of having to experience the tour again with the rest of the interns at the program early next morning during her short trip down memory lane caused for her to heave a deep sigh. Angie returned to the apartments to find Amber continuing to nap away and rolled her eyes over the sight before tucking herself away as well.

Finding it bizarre the next day as she was adjusting her badge in an attempt to restrain her nerves, she felt déjà standing amongst the other interns. Whether it be her reminiscing from last night or something else she wasn't sure, instead turning to Alya who seemed to look both terrified and excited all at the same time. "First impressions are everything you know."

"I'm well aware. Now, can you please relax?" Looking around to the small batch of interns from the large application pool, each meant to go to different departments, allowed for her to realize how small of a group they all were. "You'll be a star."

The comment made more for herself to calm down only left her friend to add onto this in objection. "My job is to pick the stars." Finally composing herself and returning to her usual behavior she shook her head dismissively to her friend. "You could never catch me on the camera or directing it, it'd much too dramatic. If anything I'd be in production, behind the scenes."

"I've been taking a peek at what's been filming recently," Alya continued, seeing that the mood was lifted slightly as Angie laughed in amusement.

"Oh yeah? And what caught your interest."

"That Joan Jett and Michael J. Fox movie." Thinking that the rumor was a joke she laughed, the outburst causing the interns nearest them to look to the two confused. Seeing her friend smiling she blinking to her stupidly. "You're serious?"

Raising her hands she shook her head. "I wanna know just as much because I wouldn't have expected it myself. Supposedly they even play siblings." Waving a hand dramatically she exaggerated it further. "I don't know why they casted for Joan to be related to Michael. She's Joan Jett, and he's a preppy teen heartthrob."

"It's a crime, I couldn't agree more." Finding comfort in their own company, a man finally came up to the small group to gather them close to one another. This broke the girls away from their exchanges and instead shared an excited glance between each other.

"Hello everyone and may I just have the pleasure in welcoming you to your first days here at Universal Studios Pictures." He winked to them in an attempt to be cheeky. "I'm sure you're going to have a wonderful time."

.✾. A/N
🫣 she's baaaack
~ j.s.

THEN SHE APPEARED, michael j. foxWhere stories live. Discover now