𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞

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 ═════════════╗CHAPTER TWELVE,

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invisible touch
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ANGIE WOKE UP to the unfamiliar environment, the morning sun seeping through the window towards her direction. At peace with the comfortable setting she was in soon led her to realize where exactly she had been last night. "Shit!" She quickly pushed the sheets aside to check and see her phone was dead. "Perfect!" Taking it with her anyways, she attempted to check the time or a way for her to be able to contact Alya considering she was no doubt worrying about her.

Turning a corner towards Michael's room fuming, she burst in unannounced. "Y'know if I get kicked—" She stopped when seeing him half-dressed as he only smiled to her out of being cheeky. Flushing from embarrassment, Angie quickly shut the door and decided to leave for her own sake.

Michael had barely any recollection from last night, the last thing he remembered being him calling Angie off after having spent time alone again with Rebecca de Morney. Considering he now had to call her over suddenly leaving the party after being intimate, the only thing on his mind was the fact that Angie was here in his house. Already assuming his own childish hope wasn't true as she seemed to have slept in the other room, he prepared himself for her yelling at him for involving her in his life like this.

Quickly putting on a shirt to rush after her, Michael looked down to Angie in the midst of sporadically walking around the downstairs. "I'm sorry for—"

"It's fine I just— I need to be at the studio." Angie was too preoccupied over the state of her now overly late arrival to her internship. It was already noon and considering she was meant to arrive at six am, she wondered if it was still too late to blame her absence on something like the flu instead of the drunk actor she drove home last night.

Giving up as it proved to be completely lost at this rate she opted to hide her face in her hands instead solemnly. Michael watched her nervously with the expectation of some lecture to follow after as he caught up to her. Being met with her tired gaze instead she soon composed herself to pay some attention to his appearance out of care for his general well-being. "Are you alright? You've got— you've got something today." Angie continued to stare at him in the hopes of this jogging her memory. "I don't have my planner." She quickly said this in an attempt to ignore her obvious discomfort over missing a day of her internship.

Michael still noticed and stood on the opposite side of her with a guilty frown. "I'm sorry I called you. I don't. . .Well, I usually call Pete, but he'd been lecturing me about sobering up more and I have but—"

"Michael it's fine. It really is, don't worry about it." Turning towards the young girl beside him, she smiled up to him softly. Her face was bare and he could make out the dark under circles just barely; still pretty. It took every ounce of him to not try to make a move towards her, finding it hard for her to both be this caring and blunt with him in the flick of a switch. Whatever he needed her to be at a given moment it seemed she did perfectly.

THEN SHE APPEARED, michael j. foxWhere stories live. Discover now