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 ═════════════╗CHAPTER TEN,

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femme fatale
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PERHAPS THE ONE THING Angie didn't want to believe when deciding to move to Los Angeles was that celebrities were going to be crawling at practically every corner she could visit. The idea that the city was this much of a hub of culture and activity seemed, to be put bluntly, stupid. Some romantic idea made-up that everyone who is anyone lived up in the Hollywood Hills and they went on Saturdays for dates at the nearest coffee shop to buy a small cup worth $5 that would take them the entire day to finish.

And yet here she was proving the entire cliché true by dressing herself for a premiere with her A-list clients that seemed to find the very fact that she thinks they were idiots interesting.

"Y'know we're gonna end up wasting most of the money we have on fancy new dresses at this rate," Alya commented, barely lifting away her gaze from the novel in her hands. Angie looked towards her friend in the midst of getting dressed to smile over her casual behavior. "But, I mean, it's completely worth it."

She glanced over to the dress in the mirror to fix up her hair yet again before taking up a jacket on her way out. "Technically it's part of work. I'll tell you about it when I've come back!" Angie kissed her friend quickly on the cheek before rushing out the doors to take a taxi to the designated address she'd been given. Pete failed to give her the specifics of their arrival to the event, only explaining to her this was purely going to coincide with work. This was partly the reason why she wasn't meant to bring Alya along, already promising to make it up to her the next time 'round.

Now coming face-to-face with Michael's home, she heaved a deep sigh to herself when looking towards the overly large and secluded home made for simply one person. Noticing the black Ferrari simply parked casually in the driveway made her realize she was, in fact, living a complete fantasy life and none of this made any real sense. "This should be fun," She muttered under her breath before knocking on the door. Being faced with Robert half dressed suit with a cigarette e hanging off of his mouth, she laughed over the sight as he grinned towards her. "Hey, Downey."

Angie hugged him briefly before she continued to walk past him in an attempt to see where Pete was. Robert couldn't help to linger his gaze onto her appearance, grabbing the coat jacket hanging off the couch skillfully without having to look at it. "Not a surprise, Angie. You could give a few girls a run for their money at these things, I gotta say," He commented as he followed behind her.

"God if you're complimenting me, I can only imagine what the hell Michael would say," Angie said to have him laugh over the small truth to this, "But thanks."

"Michael we get that it's your house, but that doesn't mean you have to drag out the time the longest."

"I thought you said Joan and I were showing up around the same time? What does it matter?"

THEN SHE APPEARED, michael j. foxWhere stories live. Discover now