𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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complicated girl╚═════════════

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complicated girl
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ANGIE AND MICHAEL now sat beside each other silently in the car off to where the interview was being held with Joan. Michael had never been this close with her this long and tried to actually take some of the advice he'd gotten to seem more appealable to her. Proving to be rather difficult as she tried to look busy in order to deter him away from a conversation. "You intern at Universal Studios because you wanna work in film, right?" He brought up to her.

She looked over to him surprised. Apart from their first meeting, Angie hadn't realized him and her never got to know each other past that point. Slightly regretting her attitude towards him off her first impression of him, she assumed it was a new year and she should at least ease up to him a bit. "Uh, yea. Yea that's right."

Nodding over this, he smiled to her interested. "Directing?"

"No actually, I wanna work as a screenwriter. I- Well, I've always enjoyed writing. Plays, short films, I got busy with a lot of projects when I had time to do so. You see even without a film in front of you the story is just—" He watched her ramble on about this to see the way she lit up over the simple question.

Having gotten herself carried away even with his attentive look Angie gestured over to him now. "Well what about acting?" The sudden question seemed to catch him off guard from her view of him. Michael had in fact lost track of where they'd left off, having been so enamored by the way she looked explaining her story that it sent him into a daze.

The simple question on her part though sent him to think back to only a few years ago when he was just moving into Los Angeles, finally being away from home so long and thinking he was a complete idiot for going through with it. "It just sort of caught my interest in high school. If it didn't, I'd probably had become a hockey player or even a construction worker." Angie laughed over the very thought to have him not help but join her.

Picturing the boy beside her as playing any rough sport or doing anything remotely handy was a hilarious sight. Considering his appearance, it seemed rather impossible for her to fathom how he would even be able to do so; especially the height. "Pretty boy like you? Would pay good money to see that," She commented.

"She thinks I'm pretty? Well, it was a jab, but a jab over me being too soft—" Thinking deeply over the comment to realize however way he could spin it, it was still an insult, he nodded to himself over the way Angie was able to do it so sweetly.

"I'm sorry by the way," She told him to have Michael look to her confused as she frowned slightly, "I kept giving you a hard time, I really shouldn't have. I'll try to ease up." Michael didn't know what to say in response to this. He was thinking of telling her he enjoyed it, that it kept him trying to be better around her. It was the truth at least since having someone like Angie be honest that she didn't like him instead of pretending to was refreshing for him.

Then Michael thought back to what she might think if he said it and decided against voicing his actual opinion to her. "I didn't take it too seriously, don't worry. I'm not all that soft." She smiled back to him and nodded. Assuming this meant they both could hold a truce to their squabbles he continued to press his luck. "So that means the two of us could be friends then?"

"Don't push it," Angie joked back to have him smile in return. Eventually reaching the small studio the interview was meant to be held at, the driver pulled open the doors for Angie to step out first with Michael following behind. Some paparazzi were still waiting from when Joan had first entered, expecting Michael to come soon enough. Proving to be right, Angie only covered herself with the planner to get past them quickly in order to avoid any of the attention she had already been receiving.

Michael looked over to her doing this and smiled to himself before following behind as well. She began to talk to some security in the area meant to escort them up to where the interview was held, now standing with them in the elevator going up. He looked down to her looking straight ahead towards the doors and laughed under his breath.

Angie turned to him confused over his sudden laughter. "What?"

"Could you try to be anymore professional, who are you fooling?"

"I don't know what you mean?" Angie asked, chuckling under her breath over the statement.

Michael turned towards her to slightly lean against the walls of the elevator doors. The security guards exchanged a small glance to one another over to the two before facing forward again. "You're what, 22? I sincerely doubt you're always ever this serious."

She couldn't help to smile over him questioning her over this and leaned against the wall towards him as well. Noticing him being slightly intimidated by the small space between them and moving back, Angie was aware the slight power she for some reason had over him. "Y'know you don't see me asking why you're not always constantly acting like a prep do you?" She raised a brow to him with a small smirk. "You don't think I know all the stories Pete has purposefully hidden from the press to keep your reputation as clean and pure as possible. You're friends with Judd and Robert after all. I mean you can only assume the amount of trouble you get into beside being mature and eloquent in every interview you're on." Unaware she knew any of this, Michael realized how much Pete apparently seemed to trust Angie at this rate.

Being intimidated by her gaze gave him his own reasons of course. With a face like that— it was hard not to just outright spit out all your stories and sins. God, she was the devil in disguise.

Michael only raised a brow to her confidently, leaning close to her. "If you know so much, why don't you share with the rest of the group, angel eyes?"

"Alright, pretty boy—"

"Mike!" The two separated upon seeing Joan raising a brow to them confused. Angie only looked on embarrassed and faced the rockstar rather starstruck. She smiled over to her as the security walked past the three exchanging in a greeting. Joan extended out a hand to her formerly with a wide-grin. "So you're Angie huh."

Not helping to be embarrassed over her knowing her name, Angie shook her hand and nodded silently. Michael looked to Joan rather jealous of getting a reaction like this out of Angie but thought nothing of it. Instead he leaned down to whisper into her as she continued to look to Joan. "We can continue this another time."

Angie turned back to him quickly as he said this before clearing her throat to gain some composure again. "Right, um, just over here then. I'll— I'll just go call Pete really quickly while you're, y'know, talking," She explained and he couldn't help to smile over her behavior now.

Nodding in agreement he left off with Joan to have Angie finally rid of the blush that came into her cheeks out of embarrassment. Michael looked over to his costar chuckling under her and raised a brow in interest. "What?"

"Stop being a flirt, give the girl a break," Joan suggested, not helping herself to let out a deep laugh out over this, "All I heard was pretty boy but god knows the mess of a conversation it was before that." Michael only rolled his eyes over the insinuation, taking a seat beside her in front of the interviewer. 

Briefly looking over to Angie now holding the cellphone close to her ear and appearing to speak quickly had him smile over the sight. Maybe it was some small crush, but he continued to believe it was just his own personal interest of getting to know her. Whatever it was— he was making it obvious to, quite literally, everyone around him.

Except for Angie.

THEN SHE APPEARED, michael j. foxWhere stories live. Discover now