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Jennie POV

I can't be sad right now

"Stop it Jimin, let goooo!" 
Rosé pushes Jimin hard making him stop and pout to rosé. This two is just so sweet, she hides her feelings towards him, i feel.

"I'll just go to my room okay? We're about to start."
I said and bid a goodbye to Lisa and rosé, not to others but just the two of them because I feel shy doing so, and I want to avoid the tension. I suppose to turn away when he spoke.

"She looks like she don't have any manners when it comes to us, she's just giving a proof that she don't have any education at all."
It's V who whispered as if I didn't hear. I breath out heavily, knowing nothing, I wish the ground could eat me right now.

If you could just know.

I turn to face them, looking to V who's looking coldly to my eyes. I was about to speak when he raises his hands in the air signaling me to stop.

"Don't you dare to speak miss, who ever you are, I guess you won't suit in our friendship, especially if you're being rude to us, to ME."
He said coldly, I know it's my fault but he should understand me too, I just met him. And why would I have to treat him like he's my friend? I don't even know him yet.

He's not him.

I just realized, he's not Taehyung, because Taehyung won't talk to me like this, even if he has a cold stare as same as this V, Taehyung won't be never like this.


"Oh... Okay then, I'm so sorry, yes you're right, I will never suit in your friendship because you are all rich, unlike me who's just a scholar in here. Sorry for being rude, but just come to think of it that I just met you, and I haven't known you yet, I don't even know your surname. So why would I talk to a guy who I don't know yet? And..-" someone who looks like Taehyung but with an opposite manner.
I was taken back as I've realized that they're all listening to me. I just burst out in front of them, what a shame, Jennie!

"I-I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" I bowed to him and go inside our room. It's was just out of my mind, I didn't controlled my manners, because why not? Not because he's rich, he have the authority to tell me like that.

"What did you do Taehyung! She will surely avoid us! You idiot!"
I heard Lisa yelled but I just continue walking going to my seat and rest my head on the desk. I don't want to mess up again.

Jennie, you're a mess.

I should forget Taehyung, and this V here should be just an ordinary person for me. But then thinking of Taehyung makes me want to cry now...

I sighed.


Our class dismissed early. Finally I could go home early today.
I just pack my things up and prepare to go when Jimin blocked my way.

"Excuse me."
Emotionless, I said.

"Please don't take V's word too serious, he didn't meant it"
Jimin said, protecting V. See? His friends says sorry for his part, instead of him.

"I won't, don't worry, just don't you ever talk to me. Because I'm just a poor person unlike you all who has an education, has a rich family, who have a happy life, who don't have any problems.. So, please, this is the last okay?"
I smiled sweetly to him and leave, rolling my eyes.

I just went home without even talking to the girls, I miss them but V is right, I don't fit in their friendship, I can't even go hangout with them because I'm broke.

As I've reach our house, I excitedly told mom about my sponsor,
She agreed that I'll be leaving her. She's so happy for me, but I can see the sadness in her eyes.

My mom helped me to start packing my clothes, because later this night, my mom will come with me to see my apartment and to help me fix my things there.

"Mom, I love you."
I said hugging my mom while she's packing my clothes.

"I love you more my honey, take care there okay?"
Mom said, smiling as she puts my clothes inside the bag.

"Yes mom, I will try come here every Saturday, and free-time, okay mom?"
I said, assuring her with a warm hug.

"I will wait for that my daughter"
I smiled to her as she says those, my mom is my treasure after all.


"I said I didn't meant it! I was just taken by my emotions!"
I said to the girls, rosé is almost crying at the side, while Lisa is giving a death glare to me. Pissed is really evident.

"But Taehyung, she just met you, why would you even demand on her giving you entertainment... Taehyung not all girls fell Inlove with you."
Lisa said, rolling her eyes. I just sighed.

"Some fell for me.
Jimin butted in while smiling, and he earned a punch from rosé. It's not a good time to joke, seriously.

"I'm sorry."
I bowed my head, I don't know what am I thinking earlier but, it's a fact, she just unless give me a smile.

"Say sorry to her!"
Rosé said, if I just didn't see these two girls as my little sisters, I would smack their heads for commanding like that.

"What?! no way! She has a fault too!"
I protested. I will never say sorry.

"You have to say sorry dude."
It's Jungkook who spoke from behind. Patting my shoulders.

I know I was wreckless when I say those words, I know the way how my statement is wrong, but she's being rude to me which I was really offended of.

I don't even know how to say sorry to a person who I'm not close with, and them making me say sorry to Jennie is so impossible. Why am I here anyways? Shouldn't I be outside and having fun? Instead, I'm here in a hot seat, explaining to the things that half meant.

"That will never gonna happen, I was really offended on her since that day I met her, she just ran away making us shock out of nowhere, and the way how she avoids me, 'like what did I do?' And the scene earlier.. she just greeted Jungkook and just took a glance on me, like I don't even exist.."
I said shaking my hands in the air. Going to be mad anytime soon.

"You're over reacting Taehyung... say sorry or you'll take a punishment from jisoo unnie!"
Lisa barks, As I've heard that, I feel anxious.. why do they have to tell jisoo noona?

Really, times like this, they would blackmail me using jisoo's name. And I slightly hated it. I mean, I can manage my own life!

"We will going to tell to jisoo unnie that you're being stubborn, that your grades are failing and you bring girls to your house every night just to fuck up!"
Lisa added.. proudly looking to me.

"No, and I don't care."
I said then leave them. I'm actually scared because Lisa has a high impact on Jisoo noona, she believes her.

But, I will never say sorry to that girl, never..


This chapter was REVISED AND EDITED but the essence of the chapter and story still remains. But, still expect errors.



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