Fifty four

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Jennie's POV

I saw he cried, and now I feel guilty for joking to him, Jisoo unnie also shed a tear.

What did you do Jennie.?

I just smiled to her as Taehyung touches my cheeks.

"Taehyungieee, I'm s-sorry"
     I said and smiled, making them shocked.

"I-it's a p-prank"
    I said weakly, then they both sigh in relief as Taehyung hugged me.

"That's not a good joke Jennie. You scare the hell out of me..."
    He said.

"I'm so s-sorry, remember that I'll never ever f-forget you.."
    I said and smiled, and wiped his tears..

"You scared me so much.. jen"
       Jisoo said and took a seat on the bed.

"I will never let that kai just pass throughout this, he will pay for what he did, I'm gonna kill him."
    Taehyung said and clenching his fist on my bed, so I caress his clenched fist and opened it before looking to his eyes.

"You should not let your anger eat yourself... let the cops do its duties."
     Then his features just soften and caress my cheeks.

"How come after all you're still like that? He hurt you, but you're still soft.. why?"
    He asked, voice is shaking like he were about to cry.

"Because, after what happened to you, I realized that, anger isn't the best choice, it's all about listening.."
     I replied and slowly pinch his cheeks and smiled, after that, the doctor came with Seokjin Oppa behind him.

"Ms. Kim, how are you feeling?"
    The doctor asked and looked at the monitor beside me.

"Good thing we have enough blood type O here for you, because if we didn't, you may probably passed out. You just lost a lot of blood in the forehead"

"I was also concluding that you might probably get memory loss, but, I guess you didn't, So it's a good news for us. In three days you can go home and be discharge, but for now, we still have follow up check ups and you also need to rest well..."

" Taehyung, May I Excuse you for awhile?"
     The doctor said and went out, Taehyung pecks a kiss on my lips before he followed the doctor. And here Jisoo unnie smiling widely.

"Jen, I hate you... I was totally scared"
      She said

"Sorry Jisoo unnie... But, I'll tell you this, the time I opened my eyes I can't remember anything but it came back after Taehyung looked at me.. so, I joked... sorry"
     I explained. I heard her sigh

"It's okay Jennie, the important thing is that you're fine now.. cops is also finding kai for causing such case.."
  She smiled and held my hands.

"Unnie, I guess kai was just drunk."

"So? Will you just let him do it to you? No Jen, even if you're drunk, you should respect everyone"

"Y-Yeah.. you're right."
    I said and closed my eyes, I don't know what to do to this chaos I've caused.

I know, this thing happened to me is a sign, a sign of beginning, this is just the start of the entire problem I will cause.

But, I still hoping that I'm wrong... kai is a good person to me, and I can say he's good to everyone too. I trust him enough, even if he did this to me, he's still my friend after all.

Taehyung POV

"Thank you doc."
    I bowed to him before leaving, I head back to Jennie's room and saw her sleeping again. She's tired.

Jisoo noona is on the couch with Jin Hyung beside her, they're looking to jennie with full of concern.

"What did she say, noona?"   
      I asked as I took a seat beside them

"She said sorry for joking, and also, I can still sense that she's tired, her voice is still weak and I don't want to stressed her too, so I just let her sleep again"
     She explained

"Taehyung, everything will be fine."
    Jin Hyung followed.

"Thank you.. and I hope too... and you both can go home now, I can take care of Jennie.."
    I said and rested my back at the couch and closed my eyes.

"Are you sure Taehyung?"
     Jisoo asked

"Yes, she's my girl so I should be the one taking care of her, I'll also call her mother to inform too"
    I said and stand to get her bag, but Jisoo noona pulled my wrist making me stop.

"Don't Tell her mom about this, Jennie will be mad if you do"

"Why? Her mom needs to know"
      I complained

"Jennie will just be stressed seeing her mom crying, she loves her mom so much Taehyung, if you could just remember.. she don't want her mom to worry about her because her point is to give her mother good life, not to be just burden.. so please Taehyung dong-saeng, don't... I'm telling you"
    She said, my brows furrowed at it, but I understand her, I slowly nod and after she sees that I agreed, Jisoo hugged me then left.

I then faced Jennie again.

A good daughter...
An understanding person...
A smart and beautiful...
A caring person...
What else?
Who can't love Jennie Kim?
She's almost perfect..

"Jennie, I love you so much.."
     I said and held her hand and kissed the back of her palm before leaving it back. I then pulled a seat near her bed and stared at her pale face.

You're not here if that kai didn't interfere.. I will make kai pay for what he did to you Jennie, sorry for disobeying...


"What did I do?"

"What did I do?"

"I hurt Jennie"

"I hurt my woman"


"It's because of that Taehyung!"

"Fuck You Taehyung"

I can't stop myself from walking back and fort inside my apartment, my hands were shaking and cold sweats on my forehead.

It's all taehyung's fault, he bring Jennie there, it should be just us 2 and Jennie is not in the plan.

"Fuck you kai! Dumb!"
     I yelled to myself and throw all the stuffs in the table, and now tears streaming down to my chin.

"The cop will sure chase me... where should I go?"
     I suddenly realized it, so I hurried to get my keys and important things.

"I will have you jennie..."


I feel like discontinuing this


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