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Jennie POV

Why is he looking at me?!

Why is he talking to me!?

Why do he care!?

"Hey Jennie! I have question"
       He holds my wrist making me stop

"Please answer me..."
     He added as I face him

I took a deep breathe and look at him.. to his pleading face.

Taehyung, I will never ruin your life .... even if it hurts mine.

    I asked him holding my tears back as I feel his hands in mine.

"Jennie, I will tell you this..... I have amnesia"
     He said and let my hands.

I'm right..

he just have amnesia..

that's he's not dead..

   I tried holding my voice that is about to crack anytime.

"Jennie... do I know you?"
     He said.. and that point, it hits my heart... I can't say a word.

This man I loved, and who I love until now.. don't even recognize me, don't even remember me, even a glimpse of me..

It's hard to forget the man who let you feel his love, his care and everything to feel you okay. I'm regretting everything I did in the past..

I feel something inside me broke into smallest pieces, I'm crying deep inside.. and it would burst out anytime.

"Have we met before?"
          A hurtful question from him who I loved the most, knowing that the memory of me has been lost in his mind.

"No." Another lie..

After lying to him, I left him and go to somewhere far from this place... my feet brought me into the garden of the school.

I took seat on the bench and look around, no one is here.. so I guess I can feel free here.

I let my feelings burst and cry there..

"I've already p-promise myself last night that I will never.... I will never bother you, I will accept the fact that we can't be with each other again... so please.... Taehyung... leave my head!"
      I said to my self..

"Jennie, promise that..."
      I mumbled...

I should not bother him, because he might feel again the way I hurt him before, I didn't trust him, I didn't listen to the reason that's why he lost everything... his memories..

I calmed myself down after crying, and just look at the plants..

If could just be a plant, who don't need any other plant to live..

If I could just live by my own without any love and pain to feel.

Just like a plant that you can leave and set aside, plant who can
make its own  food.

I'll just stand there, and love my own self.

But I'm not, I'll never be...

I deeply breathe before leaving the place, I'm sure the girls are there.

Yoongi POV

"Yoongi my son, please be good today.. you enrolled late so you have to catch up to the lessons, you know your room?"
     Dad said

I just nod and left him but before I could finally left him, he spoke.

"Won't you say bye to me?"

"Goodbye dad" I said and leave him...

I feel bored walking going to my room, why did dad have to wake me up so damn early?! I'm still sleepy as hell..

I tried finding where my room is when a girl caught my attention, she is running, going to the garden..

Gardening this early morning?!

I got curious so I secretly followed her, in an distance I have recognized her.

She's the girl in our cafeteria yesterday, why is she here?

I focused on her, she sighed and then cry, she's crying hard..
while she's saying something and I've tried my best to listen on it.

But, I can't, she's far from me..

I don't know what's up to her, and hell I don't care. I remembered what I did to her yesterday, it's part of my welcoming message to every scholar my dad holds.. hope she don't mind it..

I stayed looking to her until she have decided to leave the place.. maybe she's going back to her room.

"Why am I even watching her?!"
       I said to myself and also leave..

    Someone called me from behind so I look back, and Jungkook smiling widely came up.

    I asked

"Let's eat in the canteen first? Taehyung said he haven't eaten breakfast yet"
     He said and walked with me

"I'm done eating"
    I said briefly

"He invited us"
     He said

"He's not celebrity nor a royal person for us to be with him...."
     I replied

"Hyung... he'll treat us"

"Is he a kid needs to be accompanied? Can't he eat by his own? Or he want you guys to take a spoonful for him?"
      I said and continued walking........going to the...


I earn a chuckle from Jungkook.

"I know, despite of your savage ness, you still care for your group of friends, saranghae Hyung, I idolized you"
        he said, making me cringe.. I did a sour face on him.

As we enter, we immediately took a seat in front of Taehyung.
His face looks bothered, seems thinking of something..

"I want a brewed coffee and cookies"
      I said to Taehyung.. his face were shocked..

"What? Buy your own Hyung!"
     He complained

I shook my head
"Jungkook brought me here, so you have to treat me... my time is expensive"
      I proudly said

"ThE oNe whO cAmE fROm sTaTEs WanTs a TrEAt fRom A SimPlE MaN"
        Taehyung sarcastically said making me smiled..

"Just go buy! I treated you yesterday in my cafeteria"
        I said and he had no choice but to buy..

Jungkook and Jimin just laughed on him.

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