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Jennie POV

"Thank you so much sir!"
I bowed once again to mr. min who's sitting and reading something about perhaps his cafeteria. I left and wore the uniform given to me from mr.min and go to my manager ahn.

"Manager Ahn Hani, what should I do first?"
I asked her politely..

"Oh great you've asked, first if there's a costumer, ask them what they will buy, you give them and if you have free time -which is most of the time- I wanted you to clean also.. okay? Like cleaning the glass walls, the floor, tables.. you know that??"
She said followed with a question. I guess she's in a bad mood today, or maybe red days. Her expression shows.

"Oh yes manager ahn. Thank you"
I bowed again

"Well,tomorrow I'll teach you how to make brews and coffee, and juices.."
She said smiling, I smiled back and nodded

"Anyways, see that guy sitting over there? Having greenish hair?"
He said pointing out the man beside Jungkook, in front of Taehyung and Jimin.

I said, he's new to me since I haven't seen him in the school with the guys.

"He's the son of mr. Min.... he's Yoongi Min, we should respect him also."
I was shocked upon hearing the word 'son', I didn't know mr. principal had a son, he's just too young to look at.. plus that yoongi is already adult looking, I mean mature to look at, you won't think they are father and son.

"So yeah, Jennie, kindly wash the dishes please."
Manager ahn requested

"Y-Yes okay!"
I replied then and left to start to washing the dishes in the kitchen. It's good thing being here in the kitchen, rather than roaming around outside while Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung are there; they might see me, and.. judge me after..

Taehyung, why he didn't remember me? The first day we met... no signs of memory flashed to him, nor emotions, only that shocked face when he saw I'm tearing already.....

You're really... urghhh Jennie please!


"She looks like she don't have any manners when it comes to us, she's just giving a proof that she don't have any education at all"
      It's V who whispered as if I didn't hear.

"Don't you dare to speak miss, who ever you are, I guess you won't suit in our friendship if you're being rude to us, especially to me."
     He said coldly

He completely don't know me, but he's Taehyung right? Why? I don't know what to think anymore... I want to believe that he's dead but, I can't help, especially when I'm seeing him everyday.


He might have amnesia! but his mom said he's gone, and Jisoo unnie said too, Jisoo unnie don't lie..

It's only Jisoo unnie who can answer everything running through my damn mind. But how? I don't have any contact number.. and I also can't get it from Taehyung, he would question my remarks and suspects me.. maybe to girls? Urgh! I'm too shy asking that...


"You are our friend, okay?"
     Rosé said caressing my back

Urghh Jennie, please! There's nothing wrong asking help!

But, I'm scared... I'm scared that they might judge me anytime, they can criticize me whenever they wanted, they can just step on me easily, because I don't even have an inch of their wealth..

Jennie c'mon

I exhaled really deep.. clearing my thoughts.. and finished washing.

I wipe my hands and let the dishes dry, after that I took a really little peak from here to look if there's still a sign of the guys in here.

But it's just mr.Min Yoongi left there sitting, I look around and I guess they already left. Min Yoongi sighed as how his back facing me, moves a bit.

Then I've decided to clean the tables near him, that's being use by other costumers earlier. As I've clean, I've given a chance to see his face, he looked back to me having neutral look so I immediately avoided it and continued cleaning. Gosh he might think the wrong idea.

I heard him called so I stopped and slowly look at him. This is what I'm saying.

"Y-Yes sir??"
I asked and he signed me to come near him, so I followed.

"Who are you? Are you new here? I haven't seen you yesterday."
He said, straightly looking at me.

"Ahh.. I'm Jennie Kim, And yes I am new here.."
I said then bowed, I saw him nodded then smirked.

"Well, you might be my dad's new scholar?" He asked, raising left eyebrow. "Yes sir" I said then smiled a little.

"Focus on studies?"
He then smirked

"Yes, of course"
I politely replied

"Hmm.. we'll see that." he said and stand up, "Clean that" he said then poured his drink to the table and turn to walk away. My eyes grew bigger as he return and spill the drinks being left by the other guys, Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung, to the table.

What the hell?! Is he really the son of mr.min?! The heck it doesn't show...!

I have no choice but of course to clean this shit cause by that man, I don't know what's his damn problem!

I immediately put the things to the sink and left things clean before going back to continue cleaning the floor. Damn man!

Few costumers came so I assist them and give what they've ordered, until it reach my off time.. then, I bid goodbye to ms.ahn and go back to my apartment since it's 10 pm.. I just walk it because there are still few people this late night.

Tiring day Jennie...


This chapter was REVISED AND EDITED but the essence of the chapter and story still remains. Yet, still expect errors.


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