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I updated some chapters that has misspelled words..


Jennie POV

It's my free time again... and i feel bored..

"Hey Jennie!!!"
        I look back to see who's calling me

"Oh Kai!"
      I greeted

"Flowers for you.."
      He said and gave me a flower..

"Thanks for this.."
      I said and get the flower then smiled to him

"So...Where are you going?"
        He asked

"Uhm, still to the garden, I feel bored on my free time.."
     I said and walk slowly

"Then let's go.."

"You'll join me?"
        I asked

"Why not? I'm courting you again.. so I'm doing this for you"
     He said, so I just gave him a nod and walk going to the garden..

But in not so far, I saw Taehyung came out from principal's office.. he's still in his cold aura.. as always.

Then he took a glance on our place and look away but then look back again to double-check what he saw..

He saw me...

Wait, what is Taehyung doing there? Did he do something bad?

His eyes stared at me, but then avoid me and walks faster than earlier.

It's okay if he's mad... it's my fault too.. liar self

I look to Kai to know if he saw Taehyung but, he's just looking straight. I guess he didn't saw him.

Until we reach the place.. we took a seat on a vacant bench.

Should I tell him about Taehyung?

But, if I'll open up what would happen?

I don't want to cause such trouble...

Not again Jennie

"So, Jennie... hows your day?"
       He asked

"Oh, it's going fine... just some subject sucks"
      I joked and he chuckled

Taehyung POV

I didn't enter my class this hour and decided to go to the rooftop of the school..

I stand right there at the barrier, looking at the whole school..

Jennie is with a man again, maybe that's the guy the other day...

That Mannerless guy...

Is that her boyfriend?

Then, who am I for her?

Oh, I remember that I don't have any part of her for her....

Because I just lost my memories

I became useless....


"Taehyungieee!! Come and get me!!!"
           She yelled and starts to run that makes me chuckle.

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