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Jennie POV (the next day)




I nervously headed our school, Taehyung might remember that I really came to his house.

"Wew, Jennie good morning!"
        Kai just suddenly came and put his arms around my shoulders.

"Ahh, why did you come to school? You have to rest and heal your face first."
     I said and face him. He's wearing a mask so maybe he could hide his face a little.

"Actually, I just came here to see you and bring you to your first class, because there might some bad guys around."
      He replied and put his arms down.

"There's no bad guy here kai, and I can manage"
      I said more likely saying that he don't need to come with me, I mean, what if he saw Taehyung there?

Because The last time I can remember, years ago, Taehyung and kai had a bicker, I guess it's just a simple argument between them.. and look, they hate each other before..

But I guess, if he saw him here, what would matter? We are all grown up now and I know, kai won't do any childish move towards Taehyung, more if he finds out that he have amnesia. I hope...

"No jennie, I insist this time, I also wanted to see where's your class and who's your classmates.. yeah?"
      He said..

Ugh, I guess I have no choice.

"Uh.. okay... fine.." hope nothing would happen
           I say.

Then he just gave me a smile before following me. I am going to my room, my class, with kai beside me..

"Oh my! Jennie!"
       Lisa exclaimed as we reach my room. Kai is still beside me.

"Oh, the hot guy last night..?."
      Rosé commented as she saw kai. She maybe remembered.

"Good morning, my name is kai, Jennie's suitor"
      Kai proudly said making the both girls gasp in shock ness.

"Seriously? You're not joking?"
      Rosé clarifies and kai just nodded

"And your face, what happened?"
      Lisa asked as the black eyes is slightly visible..

"I'm not joking. and I just helped someone"
      Kai replied to both of them..

"Uh, kai, the class is about to start, and as I've said you have to rest.."
     I said

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot... so I'll be going.. nice meeting you girls."
     Kai said and bowed to us, then I saw his eyes roam around first before finally turning.

    I replied then face the girls.

"To be honest, I don't like that kai for you Jennie."
        Lisa abruptly commented.

"Uh yeah, I vote for Taehyung.."
    Rosé added..

"Seriously girls, you know that Taehyung and me would be miserable.. his moms powerful connections.. I'm scared of it.."
     I said

"I understand you Jennie"
     Said Lisa and hugged me rosé also followed before saying,

"We understand"

"The boys are absent?"
     I asked

"Yeah... But I guess they will come this afternoon."
       Lisa answered

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