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§ Sorry I got too long to update, I just got writers block guys wew§

Jennie POV

It's already 10 pm and I'm about to go.

"I'll go ahead!"
      I said to them and bow then left.

Good thing cafeteria isn't that busy, so it's not really tiring.

"Jennie for you!"
      I flinched when Kai just came in front of me holding a flower bouquet.

"You startled me!"
     I said and smiled, he gave me the flower.

"Well, I've been waiting for you for almost an hour.."
      He said

"What? Why you didn't go inside?"
        I asked him.

"Knowing you? Nah.. I know you'll just feel uncomfortable when I'm inside and just staring at you.. so it's better to wait here and secretly look at you.. right?"
      He asked smiling

"You got that! Thank you for this..."
     I said and chuckled then smell the flowers.

"I'll bring you home.."
     He said

      I said and starts to walk

"So, hows the cafeteria?"
      He asked

"Well, kinda busy, but not really busy.... and also, how I wish I could have more time to study,  because you see... I go home this kind of time.. I just feel a little worry about perverted men around or thieves..."
     I casually said, he chuckled..

"The way you talk about it, seems your not worried.."
     He said

     I smiled


"So, is this your apartment?"
         He said while looking inside my apartment

"Yeah... my sponsor gave this to me... our mr.principal"
         I said and smile

"Good person he is.."
          He said

"That's why I'm really thankful.."
      I said and put my bag in the table.

"Okay, uhm.. so I'll get going? Bye Jennie! Good night, sweet dreams.."
      He said and go out..

"You too Kai, thank you"
      I said and smile, he just gave me a wink before finally left.

I just fix myself and study for awhile...

Taehyung POV

"Good night..."
     I said to the both of them, Jin and Jisoo, before going to my room.

I lay down to my bed and close my eyes. I'm trying my very best to remember my memories.

But, I can't

Then I remembered what Jisoo noona said earlier


"The doctor said that you have dissociative amnesia, which is cause by too much stress or trauma making your brain reject the feelings and thoughts of the situation, and in your case, you lost everything......"
           Jisoo noona explained with a tear on her eyes.

"And also he said that you will gain back your memory through going to the place you've been before.. and meeting the person you've know... that's why mom had her chance to prevent you getting back your memories, especially Jennie.. ."

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