Forty one

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Taehyung POV

Jisoo: I'm on my way home, few blocks away.. are you at school now?

My eyes got widen as I've saw jisoo's message...

"Jimin!! Jungkook!! Clean that mess.. Jisoo is few blocks away!!"
         I yelled and immediately help and clean the mess they made.

Well, they actually just throw popcorn wrap, pillow and magazines all over the living room.

      Jungkook asked and immediately keep the things.

I rushingly keep the pillows and magazines in place, then we suddenly heard the door bell.

"Fuck! Jisoo would be mad if she'll see us here!"
          I exclaimed

"Yaya! Don't tell Jisoo that we are here! Shh!"
       I said to our maids, they came earlier so I'm safe.

"Y- Yes master."

"Jungkook! Jimin! Run!"
        I shouted and we all run going to my room to hide. They also bring their belongings to of course Jisoo won't see.

Then I lean closer to the door, hoping that I could hear Jisoo. I heard our main door opened.

"Yaya! Did Taehyung go to school?"
     I heard Jisoo yelled..

"Oh no, Taehyung is over"
        Jungkook whispered as he also heard her.

They both laugh quietly at me.

Fuck no!

"Ahh, okay... Jin jagiya! Let's put this gift to taehyung's room.. I know he's mad so it's my piece offering"
      Jisoo said and I can hear some steps coming near, she's wearing heels I'm sure.. I immediately locked the door first.

"To my bath room!"
      I whispered-yelled and they immediately run while secretly laughing and teasing me.. and I hid myself inside my closet so that I could see them a little from the closet door.

"Yaya! Its lock, where's the master key?"
      I heard Jisoo, probably standing in front of my door now.

Then few moments I heard the door opened.. as my hearts beats fast..

"Jagiya, do you think Taehyung would like this?"
     I heard and see them put something at my bed.

"Yeah, that's nice.. I even like it too"
      Jin Hyung replied.

"Ah—. ..... Wait.... whats this? It's somehow familiar"
      Jisoo said and get something at my bed, I look to it and fuck!

"Ji....Min...? Jimin?"
       She asked as she reads the name on the fucking bracelet..

Damn you Jimin!!

"Is Jimin in here last night?"
      She asked

    Jin replies

"Oh well.."
     She said and put the thing back.. she's about to go when she suddenly stops.. and bend down...

"A sticky notes? Oh! it belongs to Jungkook....."
       Jisoo said and stand properly while holding a thing...

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