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Jennie POV  (time skips)

My phone beeped once while I'm walking going to the cafeteria, so i  read it.

Unknown:   Jennie

Jennie:   Who's this, how'd you get my number?

I'm waiting for the reply when someone snatch my phone then run it away....

Gosh the phone!

"Snatcherrrr! Hellpppppp!" I run towards the snatcher who's also running

"Heyyy! Stoppp! It's my phoneeee! Ssnatttcchhheerrrr!!!" I still followed him, chasing him!

Not that phone!!

We're running when suddenly the snatcher just collide to the floor, someone just punched the snatcher..

I quickly ran to the snatcher and get my phone back, I kicked his head

"bad guy!"

and the guy who's wearing a black hoodie get the snatcher up then called someone in his phone.

I waited till the guy wearing a black hoodie done tying up the snatcher on the fence.

"Ahh.. mr. thank you so muc—"
      I was cut off when he take of his hoodie and face me, I was shocked on his face.

"You still have something to explain Jennie"

I didn't respond on him and about to run when he grabs my wrist.

"Taehyung, I've told you.. I don't know you.!!!"

"You think, I'll gonna believe that again?... Jimin gave me a hint about you..."
        he said, his face shows a little anger..

Jimin? Why would Jimin know though?

"Why Would you believe him!?"
        I almost shout and continuously pulled my wrist back but he keeps it tighter.

"I hate liar people Jennie!"
        At that moment I stopped and stared at him

I know you hate liar... I'm sorry, I'm really really sorry that I just broke my promise......

"I... don't know you"
         I bowed my head a bit

"Jennie, my memories had been lost for almost 2 years, you might help me get it back"
     He pleaded

"You can't get it back because I don't have any part played in"
      It's painful saying these words... lying in front of him.. but this is a good thing...

"You're lying! You're all lying!!"
      He yelled out loud not to me but to himself ...

Then he pulled me somewhere, his grip tightly holding my wrist.. he's so strong.

"I still have work to do!! Let me go!"
        I stated and tried my best to pull back my wrist.

Then he suddenly stop, I look around, we are here at a narrow street.. he faced me, his eyes shows a lot of emotions. I feel really guilty but, no... not again..

"Jennie.... Please...."
       He softly said...

that voice

I love to listen to that before..

"No, because... I don't know you... please! Let me go!!"
       I yelled at him and about to run away but he caught me again..

"If you won't say it.... I'll ask jisoo noona.."
      He said..

Jisoo unnie itself told me that you're already dead, and you think she'll tell you about me?? A poor girl like me?

"Then go ask her! I don't care because I don't know you!! And she don't know me! I don't know who's that jisoo you're saying! So please... let go"
      I yelled at him, I wanted to cry again.. but not in front of him, no way..

"If you're not lying, why would you...... even raise your voice?..... Jendeukie "
        He calmly said looking throughly to my eyes.

and then there...

my weakest point just came after hearing the endearment he used to call me before.. that I haven't heard long long time..


My tears just poured itself, my knees got weaker, sweat in my forehead.. I felt my self sitting on the ground..

I can't say a word..

He kneeled down to level me, he's looking to me worriedly, not the Taehyung who insults me in the school.. he caresses my hair slowly and he didn't let a word.

     I shouted at him full of frustration and push him then stand...

"I'm sorry Taehyung..." I said then leave him

I'm sorry for pushing you but, It's good for you too.. I won't tell you about me that's all I know as of now...

Jisoo unnie, if she knows about this... probably she'll get mad at me.. somehow jisoo unnie is a good person, but after what I did to Taehyung 2 years ago.. I don't know anymore...

I quickly ran towards the cafeteria.. and immediately changed my clothes into uniform..

"Gosh! Jennie! There's many costumers and then there you're so late!! Jennie, do you want me to tell this to mr. min?! Gosh.. I'm so stressed! Help me! Faster!"
       Ms. Ahn complained..  I'm 25 minutes late..

"Sorry ms. Ahn.. I'm sorry, just something got happened.." I said then bowed

"Yeah, I don't care! Please be fast.. assist the other costumers! Faster!"
      She said rushing to the kitchen... I immediately assist the costumers and write down what they want to order..

After giving their orders, I saw Taehyung casually came inside, having a cold stare to me.. he's with Jungkook and Jimin

They took a seat on a vacant table, they talk a little bit.. I was about to go when they called me.

       Taehyung called me.. and the way how he called me makes me  sad even more.

You want it Jennie, remember?!

"Y-Yes sir?"
      I approach them

"One Choco latté for Jungkook, coffee caramel for Jimin, and I'll just go for milktea..."
     He said like he don't know me

It's all what I wanted right?

"Oh! You guys are here again?"
      Yoongi who came from behind just spoke..

"Yeah, I just got something near here, so we've decided to take a break.."
      I heard Taehyung responded to yoongi, as I leave..

I immediately go to kitchen to have their orders.


§ a/n: for those who's reading this story, I wanted to say thank you and take care...
hope you like it..
anyway, I also have other story,
it's entitled "it's her"A  Lisa Manoban fanfic.. go check if you wanted..
saranghae! Borahae!

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