Theory 8 - The first LGBTQ+ Couple?

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As we already know, Cleo and Jude (also known as Clude) are the first LGBTQ+ ship on the show. Although there were Ben and Nick in season 4, they had around 20 seconds of screen time in one episode and the fandom wanted more. Ask and you shall receive, I guess?

At 0:34, Jude says, 'I hope she feels the same way about me' which tells us that Jude does like Cleo in a romantic way. At 0:32, Cleo says, 'I can't imagine being with anyone else' suggesting that they do get together eventually. These two lines, however, are also used in the white wall trailer, which means that they are either really important, or that Clude don't have too many scenes this season.

Furthermore, Cleo and Jude are holding hands in The Next Steep. This leads us to believe that they are on a date. Woohoo! Whether this date happens before, after or whilst the iconic lines are said is unclear, but we think that it might be after their potential duet in Studio One.

We say 'potential duet' because at 0:33, Cleo comes out from behind Jude and bumps her hip in Studio One. Either a B-troupe rehearsal had just ended, or they were working on a duet together. Or all of the above.

Published On: Monday, 18th May 2020
Words: 220

A/N: Hey guys! How are you all? Two days to go until TNS returns! We are the most excited! If you have any queries, or anything that you want to add, please let us know!
Lots of love,

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