Season 7 Volume 2 Songs

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Show You How:
Type Of Dance: B-Troupe Group Dance
When we first listened to this song, we got B-Troupe vibes from it. It just gives off that energy that we feel would come from B-Troupe. It could also be the song to Cleo and Jude's duet we saw in the trailer, where they are holding hands. This song was also used in both Cleo and Jude's character white walls, so maybe that's a hint?

Rome Part 2:
Type Of Dance: Duet
This song is quite a slow song compared to the original version of Rome, so we reckon that the dance that the song is to will be a slow dance. It also could be quite an emotional dance, so we think that it might be the song to Kingston and Lily's duet that was shown in the trailer, as they look like they're dancing an emotional duet.

It could also be Amy and Henry's duet, which was shown in the trailer, as they danced to 'Rome' in Season 6 episode 8, and at the end of that danced they almost kissed, and by the looks of the 7b dance trailer, they might do so again.

Fire Part 2:
Type Of Dance: Solo
This song and the original 'Fire' are both very similar, except this one is more upbeat. We think this might be a solo song, either Summer or Richelle dancing to it.

Although, there is another possibility that this could be a lovers duet. The lyrics say, 'Your love is just like a flame... And I will never be the same' and the song is mostly about love, so this could even be a Pinn duet or a Kingstily duet.

One Dance:
Type Of Dance: Finale Dance
At first, this song was very slow, leading us to think it was a romantic duet. But after hearing the whole thing, it clearly sounded like a group dance. Here, you can see the parallel between this season and season 1. In season 1, the finals started with a Michelle and Eldon romance duet but them broke out into an energetic group number. We have a feeling that this is to connect the first and potentially last seasons of the show.

Empire Part 3:
Type Of Dance: Season Finale Song
Empire Part 3 is quite a slow song, like Rome Part 2. It is more similar to Empire Part 2 than than the original 'Empire' which is more lively. This song has lots of possible dances it could be to, but we think it might be a A-Troupe group dance at the end of the season, or a song played during the season finale. One reason for this is that the original Empire song was the song in the Internationals final in Season 3, which was sort of the end of the og A-Troupers, as the majority of them all went on to bigger and better things. Maybe it's the same with the current A-Troupers, as going on Dancemania means that they're going to be professional dancers. The lyrics, 'We are heroes, we conquered this town' could maybe give us a hint that they've won Dancemania and aren't sure what to do next? Or maybe they're just about to perform to this song, and that's when Emily says "Every time you dance together, there's a possibility that it could be the last time you do". And this song also has a 'season finale' vibe to it.

One last possible dance to this song is that Richelle could dance a solo to this song. Noah danced to Empire Part 2 in Season 6, when he was looking back on all his memories throughout his time at TNS, and since Richelle is 'the most senior dancer on A-Troupe', maybe she'll do the same. We'll just have to wait and find out.

Type Of Dance: Dancemania Rival's Small Group
At first, we were both convinced that Ozzy and Izzy would have a duet to this song. But after watching CBC News' clip with Briar a million more times, we came to the conclusion that Jones' group (the ones that are in black) were indeed dancing to the song. We wonder what they're gonna come with!

Type Of Dance: Trio Or Small Group
At the start of the song, there is a catchy beat, which stays consistent throughout the song. It's not a song we thought would be best for full group dances, but not a solo either, so we've decided that this song has the best chance with being a trio or small group. We know that at Nationals there are small groups so this song could be a Nationals dance, or it could be a dance in Dancemania. Although we do not know if there are trios at Dancemania, judging by the evidence from the trailers, we presume that there will be small groups in Dancemania.

It could also be the song to one of Richelle's solo, as the cast said that she dances to a "Billie Eilish" song, and Corner sounds similar to 'Bury A Friend'.

Hard To Live:
Type Of Dance: Hip-Hop Dance
Automatically, when you listen to this song, you think: hip-hop. This song has a very low hip-hop beat throughout the majority of the song, except when it goes slightly quiter during the middle of the song, for two counts of eight. We think that this song is a hip-hop dance, with perhaps some contemporary mixed in during the quieter part of the song. We know that the majority of the boys in A-Troupe are very strong in hip-hop, as well as a few of the girls too, so maybe this dance is a hip-hop dance involving a few of the boys and a few of the girls. It could even be the song to the dance shown in the trailer, where Heath, Henry, Ozzy and Richelle are dancing in Studio A, wearing red tops that say 'Funder Bros' on them. The small snippets of choreography that we see them doing could match up with the beat of this song.

Type Of Dance: Alice In Wonderland Dance
The first time we listened to this we thought of Dancemania. This song is very catchy and stands out from the rest. We already know that A-Troupe are going to do an Alice and Wonderland themed dance at Dancemania, after watching the trailers and Briar's tour around the Dancemania set. We could definitely imagine an Alice In Wonderland dance to this song.

Another possibility is that this song could be an opening dance put together by whoever runs the Dancemania competiton. It definitely has that 'competition' feeling. The lyrics also say "If you're standing on the stage, we will notice every move," which could be a message to all the competitors.

Do Ya Better:
Type Of Dance: Richelle's Dancemania Solo
This song starts off as a quiet, instrumental song, but then a catchy beat comes in. At first, we thought that Richelle's solo song would be 'Not A Kid Anymore' but after deciding that we thought that song would have a better chance with someone else, we went back to this song and eventually decided on Richelle. This song is similar to the songs that fits Richelle's style best. We really excited to see which song Richelle does dance to!

The Big Storm:
Type Of Dance: Contemporary Dance
'The Big Storm' is quite a slow song, so we think that this song would match up with a contemporary/ballet dance the best. Perhaps this song is used at Nationals, where several members of B-Troupe will dance to it. Or maybe it could be an emotional solo? We've got lots of possible dances that could be to this song and we can't wait to see when this song is used.

Not A Kid Anymore:
Type Of Dance: Ozzy's Dancemania Solo
The title, 'Not A Kid Anymore' might be relevant to who we've paired this song up with. In the trailer, it looks like Ozzy might be dancing a solo at Dancemania, along with Richelle. The title tells us that they're no longer a kid, which is like Ozzy, who used to be on J-Troupe, and when he moved up into A-Troupe everyone still thought he was a J-Trouper and treated him like a kid.

Published On: Tuesday, 26th May 2020
Words: 1372

A/N: Our longest chapter so far is up! How is everyone doing? We hope you're all doing fantastic. What do you think of these songs? Which one is your favourite? Do you think there are any particular dances that would match up with these songs? Comment and tell us! ~R&A

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