Reality Meets Legend

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"Sarah is so adorable," Renesmee gushed as she and Jacob returned to his house after visiting Sam, Emily, and their new baby girl,  Sarah Leah Uley.

Jacob nodded. He would always be grateful  to Sam and Emily for honoring his mother by naming their daughter after her, and he knew Leah was touched that they'd included her as well, even if  she was too proud to ever admit it.

"You were so cute playing  with her on the floor today. I've never heard a baby laugh  so much! Then again, I haven't been around many babies."

Jacob chuckled, "Believe me, Sarah's an extra happy kid. I never thought Sam would be such a good dad. It's kinda weird. I'll bet Sarah phases when she gets older, though."


"Yep. After me, Sam's got the most wolf in his blood out of all the guys. It runs in her veins," he shrugged. "She'll be a wolf before she goes to senior prom."

Renesmee frowned. That wouldn't be easy for her. She sighed. "Well, what movie do you wanna watch tonight?" she asked flopping down on the couch.

"Oh, I don't really care. You can pick," he sighed as he threw himself down next to her.

"Thanks," she giggled turning her head toward him to give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

When he looked at her, he knew something was different. Her happiness was only skin deep. Something was bothering her. She got up to go pick a movie, but he stood and grabbed her wrist. "Hang on a minute," he  whispered. She turned and faced him. That's when he figured it out.  Renesmee's big brown eyes were a few shades darker than usual. "Your  eyes are getting really dark, Ness," Jacob said, brushing his thumbs  gently underneath her eye lashes when she abruptly closed them. "Doesn't  that mean you need to hunt or something?"

Renesmee turned away quickly. Did he have to bring this up again? "No, I'm fine."

"You're  not fine, Ness," Jacob said, grabbing her arm and pulling her back to  him. "You haven't hunted, or whatever, since I told you about the imprinting thing. I know enough about the upkeep of vampires to know that you have to feed them once in a while to keep them happy."

She didn't laugh like he expected her to. "What's wrong, Honey? You can tell me."

She  pulled away from him again, and sighed. Fine, if he was going to push  this, then she'd tell him. She'd tell him everything that she wanted  more than anything just to forget. She'd tell him exactly why she wasn't  good enough for him. "If I don't hunt, if I eat and sleep more often than I need to... then I can pretend that I'm not just part human. I can pretend that I am human, and then I can convince myself  that I'm good enough for you. I can forget that the other half of me is a  creature you despise."

"Whoa! Hang on another minute," Jacob said  in shock. He grabbed her by the shoulders and spun her around to face  him. "A creature? That I despise? Are you kidding me? I'll admit that I haven't always been a vampire's number one fan, but that's all changed  now."

Nessie raised her eyebrows. She placed her hand against his  cheek. Jacob saw an image of him and Edward staring each other down, a  frightening look on both their faces. "Really?"

"Ok, not really. No. But it's a lot better than it was. Believe me," he sighed.  "But you, a creature? Never. I love you. How many times do I have to tell you that before you believe me? I love you and no one else. And nothing you could ever do or say is going to change that. If anything,  it's me who doesn't deserve you."

Now it was her turn to be shocked. "What?"

"I'm  not human either, Ness! Feel that," he said, and placed her hand against his burning forehead. "Does that feel like the  average human's temperature? No, it doesn't. With my temperature, I should probably be dead."

"Jake, don't even say that."

"It's  true. Normal humans don't run as fast or heal as fast as I do,  either. And if I were human, completely human, I wouldn't have to..." he stopped and looked away from her, running a hand through his hair.

"You wouldn't have to what?"

"I  wouldn't have to be constantly worried about hurting you. I always thought Bella made the wrong choice, but it turns out I'm just as  dangerous as he is," Jacob admitted with a pained expression on his face.  "I'm a lot better at controlling my temper than I used to be, but  sometimes it gets the better of me. Sometimes I can feel the fire rolling down my spine, and I don't have the strength to fight it. What  if I lost control and you were standing too close? I could really hurt  you, or do some serious damage, like what happened with Sam and Emily.  She still has scars, Ness. They're a permanent reminder of what he did.  She's forgiven Sam, of course, but he'll never forgive himself. I  couldn't live with myself either if I let something like that happen."

Renesmee  put her hands on either side of his handsome face. "Look at me, Jacob.  Look at me," she said sweetly, but urgently. When he finally did, she continued, "That will never happen."


"Never," she said, silencing his protests with a quick kiss. "I know that you won't ever let that  happen. You love me too much, you just told me so! You're an  overprotective fool, and I love you for it. Not even the wolf can get past you. I trust you Jacob.  Even if you don't, I do."

He placed his hand against hers, and turned his face in to kiss her palm. Then he pulled her into his chest  and sighed, "So what now? We're just two half- monsters in love, trying  to find our way through the world where reality meets legend?"

"Pretty much," she smiled.

"Then  I'll make you a deal," he said. "I will work on controlling my temper. I will run as fast as I want to, and I will not wear clothes that make me feel like I'm in an oven. I'll continue to run the pack, and do all my  werewolf stuff, if you promise to start doing all your vampire stuff again. I want you to hunt when you need to, and I don't want you eating or  sleeping anymore than you want to either, ok?"

"Ok," she nodded.  Jacob smiled and leaned down to kiss her. Renesmee kissed him back, until her throat started to scream and burn with thirst. A tell tale sign that she'd ignored her instincts way too long. "Jake?"

"Hmmm?" he asked, his lips hovering above hers.

"I really do need to hunt."

"Right," he said, pulling away from her. "Sorry."

"It's ok," she laughed and kissed his cheek. "Rain check for the movie?"

"Sure, sure," he nodded.

"I'll see you sometime tomorrow. I love you."

"Always and forever," he said as she leapt out the window and disappeared into the trees.

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