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Renesmee  climbed the tree outside the cottage and scampered into her bedroom  window, her lips still tingling from Jacob's kiss. As soon as she was  safely inside, she shut the window quietly. A familiar bell like voice  made her jump. "You know, just because I can't see you clearly, doesn't  mean that I can't see you at all."

Renesmee whipped around to see  her Auntie Alice sitting on her bed and painting her nails. "Now," Alice  said, holding her hand out and examining the dark blue polish, "are you going to tell me where you went and what took so long or  am I going to have to ask Edward to get it out of you?"

"No! Please don't ask Dad, Auntie!"

Alice grinned. "I  knew you were with Jacob! Why else do you think I've  had Jasper working on the entire family to keep them calm so they  wouldn't notice that you were gone?"

"Thank you!" Renesmee breathed a sigh of relief, sitting down on the bed beside her.

"You're  very welcome. But in return I want to know what  happened exactly! Spare no detail, no matter how disgustingly romantic!"

"Are you going to tell Jasper?"

Alice  shrugged as she blew her frosty breath on her nails to make them dry.  "Maybe, I haven't decided yet. Why? Do you care if I do?"

Renesmee  thought about that for a moment. She could trust Alice  to keep her secrets, and ever since that run in with Alex's pack, she felt closer to Jasper too. "No," she said finally, "not really. But  just him, Auntie! No one else can know."

"Deal," Alice nodded. "I  won't even think about it whenever Edward's around. I've gotten good at  that over the years. So tell me what happened?"

She smiled, Alice was  often more like a good friend or an older sister than Renesmee's aunt.  "Ok, so I went to Jake's house to tell him that we had to leave, but I had no idea how hard it  was going to be. I started crying as soon as I saw him. When I  finally told him why we had to go, and that I had no choice, he told me  that I did. He said I didn't have to leave if I didn't want to. And then  he..."

"He what?"

"He asked me to marry him," Renesmee blushed, unable to stop a grin from spreading across her face. "And I said  yes!"

"I knew it! Oh, I just knew it!" Alice laughed with  delight. She grabbed Renesmee's left hand and frowned. "But wait, where's your ring? He can't seriously think he can get away  with that dinky little friendship bracelet he made you!"

"Hey," Renesmee pouted with a light laugh, snatching her hand back. "I love this dinky little bracelet!"

"Fine," Alice huffed. "But did he get you a ring or not?"

"Yes. He gave me his mother's ring, Auntie. But I had to give it back  to him," Renesmee explained. "I'm not ready to tell Mom and Dad yet.  They seem tense enough as it is."

"Probably a good idea. Speaking of which, I should probably go and relieve Jazz.  Edward and Bella are about to come home, anyway."

"So they don't know that I left?"

"They  don't suspect a thing," Alice winked. "About half an hour after you  left, I told them you probably just needed some girl time, so I came out  here to talk to you. I've been amusing myself in here all day waiting  for you to get back."

"Sorry, Auntie," she said, leaning in for a hug. Then she looked around and laughed, "I thought my room looked different!"

"You really should rearrange your furniture more often. I would get bored with the same set up."

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