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Hello and thanks for coming back for the next chapter! Side note, I decided it would be fun if Seth grew out his hair. Enjoy loves!

Renesmee sat next to Jacob, running her fingers through his hair as they listened to the rain against the window. He was still burning up and her cool fingers felt like ice as they danced across his forehead. "Ness?"


"Could you give us a minute?" he said, his voice hardly more than a whisper. "I need to talk to Seth."

From where he was standing near the window, Seth stood up a bit straighter. Renesmee looked between the two. "Um, sure. Just let me know if you need me, ok?"

"I will, Ness."

She was reluctant to go, but with one last look over her shoulder, she left the two alone and closed the door.

"What's going on, Jake?" Seth asked, shoving his hands in his pockets and leaning against the side of the bed.

"Seth, c'mon. We can stop pretending. It's just you and me, and I've got some important-" Harsh coughs interrupted him as he struggled to catch his breath.

Seth moved forward to sit in the chair Renesmee had been using. "Hey, it's okay. Go slow, we've got plenty of time."

Jacob shook his head and swallowed against the raw feeling in his throat. "No. We don't."

"What do you mean?"

"You and I both know I'm not gonna walk away from this."

"No," Seth said, shaking his head, his longer hair flying as he jumped back up. "No! I'm not having this conversation with you."

"Seth, I need to know Nessie's gonna be okay when I'm gone! I need to know the pack-" Jacob began coughing again, this time hard enough to draw him upright. Seth moved quickly to help him, and watched in horror as he began to cough up blood. Before he could even think of what to do, Renesmee burst into the room, followed by Carlisle, Edward and Bella. Seth caught Renesmee around the waist and moved them both out of the way as Edward and Carlisle got to work. They called out what they needed to Bella as Jacob continued to choke.

"Jake!" Renesmee sobbed, hardly even noticing Seth's arms around her as she watched everything unfold.

Edward flinched, nodding to Seth. "Get her out of here."

He nodded, even though Edward had turned his attention back to Jacob, who had stopped coughing but was trembling from head to toe. Seth had to pick up Renesmee to get her to leave, but once they started down the stairs, wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his shoulder. Hot tears soaked through his shirt. They sat down on the couch together, Renesmee leaning against his chest and Seth keeping an arm around her. Eventually, she fell asleep.

He wasn't sure how much time had passed when Bella entered the room, sitting on the coffee table in front of the couch they were on. "I'm glad she's asleep."

"Yeah, me too."

They were quiet for a minute before Bella said, "Jake told me what he talked to you about."

"Yeah. Shit, Bella," he said, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck. "What do I do?"

She looked from her daughter's sleeping form and back up to him with a small smile. "Exactly what you're doing right now."

"He wants me to be the next alpha," he told her, flinching as the words left his mouth. It felt so wrong. He was completely unprepared.

"He must think you'd do a good job, but I know it's not easy to think about. Remember though, he hasn't left us yet. And Jacob Black doesn't give up without a fight."


Bella stood and ruffled his hair. "You get some sleep too, kid. We'll wake you if there's any news."

"Yeah. Thanks, Bella," he said, leaning back against the couch and closing his eyes, only to feel tears burning behind his lashes. Sleep would be next to impossible tonight. He kept seeing Jacob trembling, blood at his lips. Even still, when Renesmee had called out to him, he had found the strength to turn his head and meet her gaze. The power of an imprint was a remarkable thing. He'd never seen anything like it. How could he possibly fill even a fraction of the gaping hole Jacob would leave behind? How could he, the youngest of the pack, become their alpha? He opened his eyes to look down at Renesmee, still asleep against his chest, dried tears along her cheeks. "You damn well better fight harder than you ever have in your life, brother," he whispered, looking toward the stairs where Jacob lay fighting for his life above them. "We can't do this without you."

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