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Renesmee and Jacob sat on their favorite spot of First Beach. Jacob sat just behind her with his warm arms wrapped around her, shielding her from the brisk wind. Suddenly he jumped up and made his way to the trees.

"Jake," she called out to him, "what in the world are you doing?"

"I'll be right back," he grinned before disappearing into the forest. "I have a surprise for you."

Renesmee smiled and scooted closer to the water's edge to let the waves tickle her toes. She didn't know exactly how long she sat there, waiting for him to return. She lost track of time as she watched the clouds roll in and listened to the gentle crashing of the waves.

Then, something startled her and made her look back over her shoulder. From the dense forest came Jacob's alpha howl, loud and strong. She couldn't see him, but she could hear him, and she knew the rest of the pack would too. She got up and made her way to the woods. She followed his howl until it abruptly cut off. "Jacob!" she screamed, running through the woods. And then she came upon them.

Jacob lay on the ground, doubled over in pain. Renesmee could only watch in horror as the platinum blonde vampire who had been kneeling over him stood and turned towards her. She smiled at Renesmee, and her brilliant red eyes shone brightly. "What have you done to him?" Renesmee shouted, tears streaming down her cheeks.

The vampire just looked down at Jacob's lifeless body, and for the first time, Renesmee noticed the moon shaped scar on his neck. "No!" she screamed. "No, Jacob please! No!"

"Renesmee, sweetheart, wake up," Bella whispered urgently. "Wake up, it's alright."

With a gasp, Renesmee opened her eyes, and she was suddenly in her mother's arms in her bedroom. The forest and the horrible scene before her vanished. "Mom, is Jacob alright?"

"Yes, of course he is," Bella soothed, wiping away her daughter's tears. "That was quite a nightmare, wasn't it?"

Renesmee nodded, still shaking from the sheer horror of it.

"Would showing it to me help any?" Bella asked, willing to try anything if it would calm her daughter down. "Do you want me to try and find Jasper?"

Renesmee shook her head no and Bella sighed. They had been alone in the house that night, Edward was hunting with Jasper and the rest of his siblings, when Renesmee had started screaming in her sleep. Bella remembered the horrible dreams she had had about Edward after the one time when he had left her, when going to sleep was even worse than being awake. And it now seemed like Renesmee was going through the same torture without Jacob. Except when that had happened, she had had Jacob to lean on, and her daughter had no one. Other than Jacob, Seth was her best friend, and Edward didn't want Renesmee around anyone from the pack.  She agreed with Edward that Renesmee and Jacob needed to take things slower, but now, holding her sobbing and heartbroken daughter in her arms, Bella realized that keeping them apart was no longer an option. Her daughter needed Jacob like she needed Edward.

"How about you call Jacob in the morning and ask him to come and get you?" Bella said, knowing she would probably regret not consulting her husband first, but right now, she was willing to do anything to make Renesmee's pain go away. "You two can spend some time down at LaPush."

"Mom you don't have to do that," Renesmee sighed, wiping her eyes and shaking her head. "I'll be alright."

"No, you won't. I know you, Renesmee," Bella said, holding her daughter close as if she could take her pain away from her and make it her own. "You won't be alright until you see him."

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